Chapter Three

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It was almost fifteen minutes since I had left VideoMax. Fifteen minuets and I hadn't seen hide nor hair of Paul. That wasn't a bad thing although it did nothing to ease my anxiety. He could be lurking around somewhere. Besides Frog Comics would probably still be open. Maybe I could get the new issue of Gem or Batman. There wasn't exactly a lot to do besides look for some new reads and I'm not exactly into those young adult romance novels. I don't know, the idea of romance and being close to someone physically and connecting mentally is frightening. How can you trust someone so much? I can hardly trust Max. Despite being close, it just makes me anxious. Paul makes me anxious. He wants to be close, too close for comfort.

Speaking of comfort this crowd was unnecessarily tight tonight. To my knowledge there isn't any show on tonight. I wouldn't doubt there are beach parties tonight though.

"Is that her?"

I didn't dare turn around, I just kept walking in the direction I was going before. I didn't know who it was that but judging from Paul's earlier presence, he is the only one that would have said anything and in that case, it would have proven that I am just extremely paranoid. Paranoid with good reason though, people here are dangerous and it's hard to trust anyone in Santa Carla.

"Hey! Miss!"

I was a couple steps away from door to Frog Comics by now, "Cassandra!" God fuck. I acted as if I didn't hear the man. At this point the person had gotten close enough for me to distinguish the tone was defiantly deeper than any woman's I'd heard yet. I didn't have to speed up my pace either, the crowd was too thick for anyone to get to me before I stepped into the shop and out of sight. The moment both of my feet stepped in the shop, I ran to the back and jumped behind the front counter. I made the silent finger over the lips gesture to the Frog to my left, Allan.

Allan was a sweet kid, he was tall, tan from the Santa Carla sun, and had this badass-Rambo persona just like his brother which I thought was hilarious. He had dark brown hair that looked black, dark brown eyes, he was always really squinty, and kind of seemed to have a perma-high. It was likely whatever their parents were smoking. They supposedly owned the shop but I knew the brothers ran it. Their parents just sort of passed out wherever they sat. They were hippies that ended up never moving on. I was sad for the Frog's but what could I do? I couldn't adopt them and take care of them; I was eighteen and recently evicted, not to mention I didn't really exist to the government anyway.

"Hey have you two seen a girl with white hair?" Shit. I prayed silently to God hoping this guy would just leave.

"I don't think any grandmother's come in here dude," Alan replied, never looking up from his comic.

"I'm not looking for anyone's grandma. She's got white hair, grey eyes, dreadlocks, nose ring? She's really pretty in the face, she was wearing a pair of ripped jeans, a black crop top, black Doc Martens? Long red nails, she had her hair pulled up? Come on kid give me something," the guy sighed.

"I know who you're talking about but I'm telling you dude, she's not here,"

"I saw her walk in here,"

"Look buddy," Allan paused, finally looking up, "Hey- you're not supposed to be in here. No Lost Boys allowed."

"I'm not here to fuck with your comics-"

"Then get out. You're girlfriend isn't in here buddy and I wouldn't blame her for trying hide from you either," Allan reached down beside me, grabbing a crucifix that they'd stashed under the counter.

"No vampires allowed," he said holding up the crucifix, " Get out."

"What the fuck? Look, if you see her, tell her Paul got the pizza and is looking for her,"

"Out blood-sucker."

"Whatever, thanks kid."

Allan looked down at me and nodded.

"Gone?" and nodded again and extended a hand down to me.

"Thanks Allan, I don't know what I would have done without you," I wrapped my arm around him pulling him into a side hug.

"You'd be dinner. You don't have to thank me, just doing my duty. Saving everyone from the shit suckers," he grumbled.

"We'll thanks anyway, got any new Gem and the Hologram comics? Anything I might like,"

"Take this," Edgar said as he laid out a comic in front of me, "It may save your life one day. Those blood-sucking assholes seem to have taken a liking to you... One of them anyway."

"Thanks Edgar. You know I think that's the nicest you've ever been to me. I appreciate it kiddos," I smiled ruffling Edgar's hair.

Edgar was the older brother, or he at least seemed that way. He had sandy blonde - light brown mixed hair,a lighter tan, squinty eyes like his brother, a thin lipped frown, and a permanent look of dissatisfaction. He always seemed like he was in a bad mood and I didn't understand it but I was sure it was warranted. I used to think Allan was the crazy one with his supernatural bullshit nonsense, but I think it all stemmed from Edgar. He must of seen one too many horror movies as he kid because he was overly obsessed with relating almost everything and everyone with the occult. He was a weirdo if I eve met one. He always seemed to be evaluating me; trying to decide if I was a ghoul or not I guess.

"We're not kids Sandra," Allan groaned.

"Are you old enough to legally buy a pack of cigarettes? No? Then you're still a kid to me baby," I joked, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Look, I'll come back soon but I really need to move to a new hiding spot because I have a feeling he's waiting out there for me..." I glanced out the store window and how right I was, except he had some friends; two more blonde's and a guy with black hair, "I'm going to sneak out the back and find somewhere to go."

"It's safest with us Cassandra," Allan said, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't want those guys coming in and fucking with your shit so I'm going to go," I smiled, "besides I need to make a cigarette run," with a wink I'd put the comic Edgar gave me in my back pocket and I made my way to the back door.

"Thanks again guys," I called before I opened the door and went into the cool Santa Carla night.

Revised: 9/30/17

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