Jinx (xSniper)

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+Author's note


He wasn't one for shopping, but that empty bag of coffee beans wasn't going to fill itself.

Sniper drove on, the landscape passing him by in a blur. He would occassionaly flick the bobble head figure on the front of his car, ("Boom head shot") vaguely reminded of the time the guys broke into his van just to place the small middle aged figurine.

He found his destination and slowly pulled up at his usual stop, Malien's.

The strange store had everything he needed to equip himself for coffee breaks to unexpected moments when he craved for Korean chocopie.

Sniper strolled in with his long legs, looking at the list he had written down earlier.

'Coffee beans, grinder.. hmm.. maybe some bisc-'

He was inturrupted by a large crash, knocking him down the floor. And according to that small yelp he just heard, he had also knocked a woman down too.

Sniper groaned as he felt his thin body pressed onto the cold hard ground. He looked around and saw he and a certain lady with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was surrounded by piles of spilt coffee bwans, opened boxes and lots and lots of coffee filters.

"Ahh!! No!! The shipment!!"

The girl hurriedly scrambled to her feet, trying to pick the items up. Sniper did the same, his face burning with embarrassment.

"S-sorry 'bout that!"

The woman looked up surprised.

"Oh no no no! This was-"

The manager came up to the both of them, and clicked his tongue.

"(Y/n), that's the third box you've ruined this month. You and I both know how I hate to do this, but we're gonna have to dock your pay"

(Y/n) hung her head low, her face flushed dark with shame.

"I'm understand Mr. Anderson"

Sniper gave a look of concern, but the manager helped him to his feet.

"I'm sorry there sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

Sniper got lead away by the manager, but he couldn't shake off the guilty feeling as he watched the girl sadly pack the boxes she dropped.


Sniper ran his long fingers over the wheel of his van. It was his fault! If only he had been more careful. His face was red as he cursed himself and his clumsy actions.

He sat in the still van, wondering what to do.

'Oi'll apologize, tha' poor sheila doesn't deserve this. Oi wonder if she'll let me pay for the spoiled goods'

He made up his mind and got out of the van, when he noticed a figure coming out of the back door of the store.

The girl he saw earlier had the boxes she had dropped in her hand, slowly trudging towards the large garbage disposal.

She walked down some steps when suddenly she tripped down the stairs, boxes flying everywhere again.

She squealed, her eyes closed shut, expecting to feel the hard impact of the concrete floor. But what she didn't expect was a pair of arms holding her close.

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