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x Written by my friend Ellie x

I regretted the tinge of jealousy I immediately felt as Scott ran to embrace Mitch. Damn. Just when I thought I was over him, I had to be the good guy. I had to bring Mitch back, didn't I? Crap. I didn't get why Mitch had come to me this morning. I mean boyfriend and ex boyfriend (when I was involved) usually meant cheating, right? But Mitch was so...innocent. He wasn't like Scott's other boyfriends. They were quarterbacks, they were jocks...they were popular. Not that Mitch wasn't popular, it's just, he was in a different crowd. They were polar opposites.

I guess opposites attract, right?

I was annoyed that they seemed so perfect for each other. I was annoyed that Mitch was standing where I could have been. Where I should have been. But Mitch cheated on Travis with Scott, and Scott dumped me for him. I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if 'Scömìche' had never met.

Scott wouldn't be half the person he was today. Pentatonix would probably have never existed. And best, and worst, of all the 'Scomiche' ship would never have become canon. But they were such a good couple... But I was so jealous...

"Hey, Alex?" Scott's voice rang through my mind as I was abruptly pulled from deep within my thoughts. "Thanks so much for bringing Mitch back to me. I'm so grateful." I smiled sadly at my ex boyfriend as I felt a rush of nostalgia looking at the intense blue spheres staring into my eyes. He stepped forward to hug me.

I savored the moment, knowing it was probably going to be the last intimate contact I was ever going to come close to from Scott. He and Mitch were endgame, I knew. It would take something very large to separate them now. I breathed in, inhaling his amazing cologne, suddenly recognizing a second scent clinging to him. It was Mitch, I assumed. It was an unwanted reminder that he no longer belonged to me.

"I love you, Scott."

"I know." Mitch smiled sadly at me. I was grateful for the absence of pity from his eyes. I returned his smile.

"You're lucky to have him, you know."

"Trust me, I know." Mitch slipped an arm round Scott's waist lovingly and Scott turned his gaze from me, looking into his boyfriend's dark eyes. They looked like they thought they were the last two people on the face of the earth. I slipped away, heading towards my car. I unlocked it and slid into the seat, begging the tears not to fall from my cloudy eyes. A fat salty drop landed on my hand and opened the floodgates. I looked like a hot mess. Ugh, I was pathetic. Stupid, ugly, stupid Alex. What was I expecting when I told him I loved him? In my mind, he suddenly turned round, realizing he loved me more than anything, and kissed me again. In reality, I was sitting alone in my car, wishing the past three years had never happened. I moved here with so much hope. And as quickly as it began to well, it turned to bullshit. No boyfriend, barely a job and a tiny flat in completely the wrong district. What was I staying here for? Clinging to the bittersweet memories of my ex boyfriend and the distant hope of the dreams I'd once thought were simple. No one tells you, when you grow up, how hard it is. No one properly clues you in.

In school, you learn how to calculate the volume of a sphere or how different types of rock weather differently or why Mike's curtains are blue in an assigned poem (because he was melancholy or some shit). Maybe I wanted to know how to apply for a job, or how to pay rent, or how to deal with breaking up. Maybe it's all so much simpler. Maybe we need to know things like that. Maybe blue was just Mike's favorite color, and maybe we could have spent that time learning how to pay a mortgage. And maybe, if we had, we would all be okay. We wouldn't have to struggle on our own. We would know how to deal with ex boyfriends and debt and bills and grown up crap that we all fight through on our own.

I wiped another tear from my cheek and inhaled deeply. I exhaled and slipped my key into the ignition of my car. As I did, she seemed to wake up; the lights glowed on the dashboard, the engine purred and the wing mirrors unfolded. Shit! The wing mirror! Just as it unfurled, a black four by four clipped it and it it snapped straight off.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, roughly wiping the salty tears off my face and quickly getting out of the car. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!"I pinched the bridge of my nose and picked up the smashed mirror, examining it.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to!" A guy slid out of the four by four and jogged up to me. Damn, he was hot... So not the time!

"It's okay, it was totally my fault. I should have checked before." I waved off his apology.

"No, no. I'll pay for it, you can have my number, just send me the bill whenever." I passed him my phone absentmindedly, still focused on the mirror. He passed me my phone back and i looked up at him properly. He was wearing a cute graphic tee and black jeans, a backwards cap on his head. He really was very cute...

"Never mind the bill," I said, still locking eyes with him. "Just buy me a coffee sometime," A wide smile appeared on his lips and he nodded. I watched him shamelessly look me up and down and sarcastically struck a mock runway pose.

"A feisty one, huh?" I shrugged simply and he winked. "I like it," The smile I was wearing, I knew, had a degree a falseness about it and he had obviously clocked it. "Are you okay, though?"

"Uh, yeah. Just, y'know, ex boyfriends..."

"Oh, honey, that I do..." He laughed and I smiled. Sincerely this time. "Just text me when you're, uh, ready for that coffee."

"Will do." I grinned at him and he turned away. When he'd reached his car, I suddenly called after him.

"Hey, I didn't get your name?"

"Contact list..." He called back, not turning round and slipping back into his car. He waved breezily out of the window and sped off, leaving me in the empty parking lot, with a wing mirror and my phone. I checked my contact list.

Todrick- that dickhead who murdered your wing mirror 💙




This is the LAST CHAPTER of the story 😭😭😭

But don't worry, there's an epilogue, so it's okay-

This is an extra long chapter just for the special occasion and I'm pretty sure it's my favorite one. It's double a usual chapter- probably because my friend is way less lazy than me.


PS- If you read all of the book I love you so much, it means so much to me.

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