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This was it. Scott was going to tell me about his true feelings about me. Of course, I didn't want to split up Scott and Mitch, but I was tired of all the crappy sixty year old men hitting on me.

"It's about..." Us. It's about us. "It's Mum, she's got terminal cancer." Scott's eyes welled up with tears and I rushed to hug him. Ugh, why, Scooter? Why aren't I good enough for you?

Kirst, you selfish bitch! She might die! And Scott would be so upset...and you could swoop in for the kill. He won't say no to a little kissing...

I swept him up in my thin arms, stroking his perfect blonde hair, breaking at the sight of the salty tears streaming from his enchanting cerulean eyes.

"Does Michelle know?"

"I didn't want to worry him." The blonde shook his head.

"Wo-" I yelled before switching to a much quieter level. "Worry him?! I think he might notice if you suddenly fall apart, and start stressing over every detail of her treatment! I can't believe you wouldn't tell your own boyfriend, a man you have known for-"

"Kit, it's not that easy for me! What am I supposed to do? Oh hey Mitch, my life is falling apart cos my mum might die? I can't. I can't do it. It's just too hard."


"Kitty, you have to understand, okay? This isn't an easy conversation for me- hell, it isn't an easy conversation for anyone! You know he loves her as much as I do, if not, more. How am I supposed to phrase something so devastating?" Scott bit his lip, tears glazing over his bright blue eyes. They'd lost their twinkle. Actually, all of Scott seemed... duller.

"Scooter, honey," I wrapped my arms around his torso (solid as a rock!) and squeezed gently. "It'll be okay, it's gonna be okay..." We stood there for what seemed like ages, just hugging. I wiped the salty tears off of his gorgeous face, smiling sadly. Gotta admit- I was jealous. He still looked screwable, even crying! But I couldn't expect anything for us. Not now, anyway. I squeezed his torso again, smiling into his chest.

"It'll be okay. It'll be okay..."


Hey y'all. Sorry I've been away for a while, I've just been really uninspired by everything recently, but I promise I'll be okay soon. You get two chapters today anyways to make up for it!!!

It's not long until the end now, so just hang on a bit okay?

Love you all

Stay #fcute xx

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