Chapter 4 - Horseback Swimming

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Marinette laughed at Nino's jokes. She loved how the sun leaked through the trees, giving spots of warmth. Throughout the entire ride, Adrein was smiling at the trees, once in a while Marinette caught him staring. Soon enough they reached the river, She couldn't stop herself from smiling. The afternoon sun glistened on the river, the colour was almost turquoise. The river reeds leant across the river as if it was a thin wall. 

"WOW!" said Adrein, his face covered with excitement "It's beautiful!" 

"It sure is," replied Marinette.

The group walked over to a tree, that shaded them from the afternoon sun. The all dismounted and tied their horses up at the fence post nearby. Alya and Marinette walked behind a large bush. They both took off their vest's, showing their two piece tops.

"OH MY GOD! Alya, where did you get that? It's awesome." squealed Marinette, 

"Oh," said Alya "I got it from Paris, isn't it cute?" 


Both the girls pulled up their board shorts, which were both compulsory to wear when horseback swimming, and walked up to the boys. Both of them were shirtless, making Marinette blush slightly. Adrein swim trunks were a mix of green and black, it hung just in the middle of his torso. His tan skin was radiating hotness, six pack and all. He wasn't noticeably strong, he was all curves and soft.

"Liking what you see girls?" said Nino doing a manly pose, Alya walked over to Nino, with a seductive look on her face. She wrapped an arm around the back of his waist.

"Yeah, a lot," she replied, Nino blushed hard. Marinette and Adrein laughed at the couple. When they both turned to each other they blushed, both looking down. Marinette continued to check out Adrein when she looked up Adrein. He was checking her out, Nino knew what was happening and coughed to get Adrein's attention. He looked up to Marinette, redder than a tomato. They all united their horses, and put on their rope bridles and headed down to the river bank. They all mounted by the log nearby. 

"Last one has to clean the stables!" yelled Nino as he trotted towards the river. The others followed Nino, Adrein was the last person into the river. The ice cold water rose up Marinette's legs, sending shivers up her spine. 


For the next for hours the groups splashed, played, raced and swimed in the afternoon sun. By the time it came back the sun had set and the horses were fed, rugged and sleeping in thier stalls. Marinette's eyes started to fall, she couldn't work when she was tired. Eventually Marinette rugged, fed and dried Tikki. Nino's dad came to pick him up, leaving the three there to clean up.

"Hey, Marinette." said Alya "I'm leaving now, see you tommorow!" while waving her goodbye. She smiled before going into the change room with her clothes from earlier, when she opened the door she saw Adrein standing there in nothing but boxers. 

"AHHHH!" she yelled. Adrein stayed silent the enitre time, his face went a bright tomato. She raced out of the bathroom, mentally slapping herself for not looking at the door sign. Marinette pulled her jumper and jeans on, grabbed her towel and wet swimsuit and she called her parents asking them to pick her up. The cold air nipped at her neck as she walked down the driveway. As she waited for her parents to come, sat down on the fence post and stared at the stars. One by one she saw Leo, Capricorn, Aries and plenty other stars. Light raindrops fell from the sky, landing on her shoulder, agian cursing herself for bringing an umbrella. Behind her, she heard light footsteps becoming louder. She turned to see Adrein smiling at her, a black umbrella hovering over his blonde locks. 

"H-h-hey Adrien." she stuttered

"Hey, Marinette." he replied, the silence lingered over the two. "Lo-

"I'm sorry, about what I did, Okay? I didn't see the sign at all so its my fault." 

Once again silence.

"It's fine, just look where you going okay?" he chuckled 

She nodded  and continued to look down the spotlit road. Adrein found a spot next to Marinette on the fence post. Slowley he slid closer and closer to her, giving her even shelter from the rain. The sound of rain falling was the only thing that stopped them from talking. Adrein's limo pulled up infront of the road, his father came out of it. 

"Adrein, its time to come home." he said, Adrein and Marinette hopped off the fence post. His face turned to Marinette.

"Good Evening Marinette, do you need a ride home?" 

"No thank you Mr Agreste. My parents are picking me up soon." she replied. 

"Okay then, have a good week Marinette." he said while ushering Adrein into the car. 

"Just a minute Father, I have to tell Marinette something." 

His father nodded before hopping back into the limo.

"Listen Marinette, I promised to tell you something earlier and I'm telling you now. WE BOTH MADE IT INTO THE ELITE TEAM!" he said. Marinette immediately squealed, jumping around. 


She stopped squealing and realised how wet she was. She pulled at the sleeves of her jumper, making it grip less to her arms.

"Here," he said while handing the umbrella. "You need it more than me." 

She smiled at him before taking the black umbrella. Sudenly the umbrella trapped Marinette underneath her. When her eyesight was only black she heard a laugh, she opened the umbrella to see Adrein laughing his head off. 

"Bye Mari! See you soon!" he said while waving.

"B-B-Bye Adrein she said while waiting. Adrein got into the car and she watched the limo drive into the darkness. Her Father's car pulled up infront of the gate. She hopped in, closed the umbrella and sighed. 

Best. Day. Ever 



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