40: Endings, Beginnings, & Harry Styles

Start from the beginning

"How was the tour?" I question, resting an elbow on the table.

"It was fun." He tells me. Once again, I couldn't figure out if it was a lie or the truth. I decide on the latter.

"That's nice." I take another sip of coffee.

"How's your father?" Harry asks, taking me by surprise.

"He's great actually." I admit. "Struggling to get back on his feet, but that's all."

"That's good." Harry lifts his tea to his lips. "That's really good." I can't believe I was sitting here having small-talk with Harry. After everything we've been through, I'd expect more words from the both of us. What was going on? Why were incapable of bringing up our past? A part of me wanted him to mention it. I wanted him to apologize for absolutely nothing like in one of those cheesy romantic movies. He didn't. Instead, he rises from his seat and takes his last sip of tea before tossing it in the trash.

"It was nice seeing you again."

"What?" I almost choke on my coffee. That was it? That was all he had to say?

"I'll see you around." Harry throws me a small smile before pushing the door open, stepping out into the cold London air. My jaw drops slightly and I stumble to my feet, leaving my coffee sitting on the table as I rush after him. Things can't just stay this way.

"Harry, wait!" He's already a few feet down the sidewalk, his hands once again in his pockets. At the sound of my voice, he turns around slowly, raising an eyebrow as if to say, 'what?'

I swallow up my fear, whatever fear it was. I take a few steps closer to him, closing my eyes for a while and inhaling deeply.

"I've said and done a lot of things I regret." I begin. "We both have. Not just this year, but even back in the past. I know we can't erase those things. As much as I wish I could, we just can't. I don't think they can be forgotten either. We can't change what happened, but we can change what will happen." I pause, looking at Harry to see if he wanted me to go on. When he doesn't say anything, I proceed.

"I used to be so sure that things wouldn't work out between us. In the end, it wasn't that I was worried. I just didn't want to get hurt again. That's been it all along. The fear of getting hurt is what caused me to end things between you and I. It was stupid really. I've done a lot of thinking these few months. I never thought I'd end up in the position I am now; spilling my guts to you and just taking a thousand risks I would have never taken before." I chuckle softly. "The thing is, Harry. I'm more in love with you than I've ever been. There's not a single doubt in that. It's impossible to rid myself of these feelings because they're strong; they're permanent; they're real. What I'm trying to say, Harry, is that I'm willing to give us another chance. I'm willing to give us every chance because I know things will work out. I know we can leave the past in the past and just live in the moment we're in now because...because there's nothing more perfect than now. My father's taught me a lot of things and one of those things was that life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past." I search Harry's eyes for some kind of emotion. When I find none, I sigh. "I love you, Harry." There comes the silence again, drifting between us and making me impatient to know what Harry had to say. Whatever it was, I didn't regret what I said. I was meant to say it. I had to.

I couldn't live the rest of my life without telling him those things. I did love him. Aside from my mum and dad, Harry meant the world to me. I can't imagine a life without him. Our fate was now in his hands.

After minutes and minutes drag on, I begin to come to the conclusion that Harry wasn't going to say anything. Exhaling, I force a smile up at him.

"I understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore." Turning my back, I can feel the tears threatening to come out as I go to take my first step away from him. All of the sudden, his hand takes my wrist and he pulls me back, keeping me from walking away any further. I keep my back to him, my breathing becoming more rapid.

"Amber?" He speaks for the first time. His breath tickles my ear, his lips faintly brushing against it. "I love you too." I had to restrain from jumping madly into the air and from allowing my stupid grin to appear on my face. I turn to him once again, chewing my lip to keep some self-control. Harry's smirking, his hand not leaving my wrist. We began to stare again, our eyes melting into each other. Was that it? Were we just going to stand here and stare at each other after confessing our undying love? I clear my throat.

"I really need to drive back to Cheshire." I begin to say. "My dad's probably worried sick."

"Alright." Harry drops my wrist. "I'd offer to drive you, but the lads are expecting me at the studio."

"I've got a car."


"Alright." There's a pause. "See you."

"See you." And we both turn away, about to head in our different directions when I come to a stop, a frown forming on my lips. "Wait. Harry?"

"Yeah?" We both turn back around. I hesitate, but go for it anyways. Running back to him, I throw my arms around his neck and crash my lips against his. The feeling was wonderful; wonderful and perfect. It was all there; the sparks, the love, everything. His hands take my waist, holding me closer. It was a soft, chaste kiss. I could have stayed this way forever. Here on the sidewalk, our lips mended together, I couldn't ask for a more perfect moment. As we kiss, I feel his curls brush against my own forehead. I kiss him a bit deeper, but keeping the softness the kiss possessed. I never wanted this moment to end; not now, not ever. This was only the beginning to another chapter of our story. 


Author's Note (Updated August 2021): Thank you all for tuning in to my story! I wrote this when I was 13 and I'm nearly 24 now. SO crazy. So... I've decided to rewrite it. WHAT. Yep, you heard that right. A new reimagined version of this story is being written RIGHT NOW. Disclaimer: New version will contain mature themes. New version is not a fan fiction, but Harry is still my inspiration.

New story and details regarding this can be found here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/280291804-lights-camera-action

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