Chapter 33: This Means War

Start from the beginning

"Have you seen Charlie anywhere?" Red asked, looking at John.

"Last time I saw, he was getting his ass firmly handed to him. Can't call this up till we find out what happened to him, though."

"Better find out fast. Don't want to keep Spillane waiting." John's earpiece started ringing. Speaking of Spillane...

"John-boy, I need a report."

"Mission success. Sort of. We hit a snag along the way."

Will was sitting in the War Room. His eyes widened with terror "What snag?" he asked, deadpan.

"They had a team doing route recon and clearance. Damion's team. They took us by surprise, started shooting first. Seo and GLOK are dead. Charlie's gone missing." Silence on both ends.

"Okay," Will muttered calmly. He cut off at his end of the line.

"How'd he take it?" Red asked, looking out across the sand to the smoldering ruin. John was silent, digesting the interaction. He was expecting screaming. Yelling. A tirade of curses and blasphemies. Instead what he got was a single calm word.

"Not well, I don't think."

Will stared blankly at his console. The blue light was flashing. There was only one person who used the blue line. He was breathing heavily. This was it. The point of no return. He held his hand out, reaching for the button. His hand was trembling. Then it darted back. Like the button was a hot stove. Like touching it would be physically painful.

"Are you going to answer that?" Nox asked, not trying to hide himself.

"What if I just don't answer it? You think he'll just go away?"

"This isn't a telemarketer. This is the self-proclaimed leader of mankind. He's not just going to leave if you don't answer. In fact, he'll probably storm your city with more commandos."

Will sighed heavily, his hand now resting on the button, yet not hard enough to press it in.

"Do you need help?" Nox asked. "Is the button stuck?"

"No, I'm just... Really, really, dreading this talk."

Nox walked over and placed a gloved finger on the back of Will's hand. "If you don't, I will. Just be assertive, like you were in Dublin."

"Because Dublin worked out so fucking well for me..."

"You didn't have me then. You didn't have your elite team then. You're ready for this."

"But is this city? Do you honestly think four fighters—no matter how badass they are—and a single information broker are going to be enough?"

"We had worse odds surviving the bombs to begin with. We can handle this." Nox pressed his finger in. The screen lit up. Karlov's oddly stoic face flashed on screen. He didn't seem angry. Just disappointed. Like a father who just learned his son was failing his science class.

"Spillane. Care to explain what happened on the road outside Pinnacle?"

Will's eyes close and his mouth cracks into a toothless grin as he inhales heavily through his nose. His eyes open as he exhales. "Karlov," Will says, sarcastically happy. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You will call me Czar, Spillane. And I believe I already asked you."

"Enlighten me."

"I just received word that several of my Manticore tanks were destroyed. By artillery fire. Coming from within Pinnacle's city walls. The city I allow you to govern."

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