States vs Defense

221 13 6

Idea by supgal.
Sorry it took so long for me to do. I'll probably end up doing another one like this. A drinking contest comes to mind. Any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

NewHampshire: It was a tactical error. That's all I'm saying. It could've been avoided.

ArmyRanger: Were you there? I think not!

NewHampshire: Well, if the Air Force had gotten there when they were supposed to and-

AirForce: Hang on a minute! Now this is my fault?!

DC: Can everyone just quiet for a minute?

Army: You're not our boss.

DC: Well, technically-

ArmyRanger: Well, technically the president is the commander in chief and you're just the city!!

Montana: What the heck is going on in here?

CIA: Politics. What else?

Delta: If I had taken the shot, my team would've been spotted and killed!

NewHamphire: That just proves my point!

Montana: What are they arguing about?

CIA: I don't think anyone really knows.

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