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NekoraRayven709: Does JROTC or ROTC have personifications?
Second part requested by nicholasbritt13.

ROTC: Hey, Junior!

JROTC: *glare* I'm not really younger than you. You do realize that, right?

ROTC: Maybe. But what else am I supposed to call you?

JROTC: How about my actual name.

ROTC: Nah, Junior sounds better.

Army: Are you two fighting again?

ROTC: Not at all!

Army: J?

JROTC: He keeps calling me Junior.

Army: That is your name.

JROTC: Well, I don't like it.

Army: *sigh* What are we going to do with you two?

JROTC: Fine. I'll just go see Navy and Seal then.

ROTC: Fine with me.

Army: What? Why would you want to see him?

JROTC: Why not? *moves to leave*

Army: Because- hey, wait! J, don't leave!! *follows JROTC out of room*

ROTC: *mumbles* how come she's so special


*Army walks into room after JROTC*

JROTC: *sits beside Navy* Hi, Navy.

Navy: What's up, J? Is army mistreating you?

Army: Why are you turning her against me?!

Navy: Face it. You like ROTC better than J.

Army: Not true!

SEAL: What's the problem?

Army: He's making accusations!

Navy: Just stating the truth!

Army: That's the farthest from the truth!!

SEAL: JROTC, explain?

JROTC: *smiles* I think they're fighting over me.

SEAL: *sigh* Not again.

Army: If either of us would have screwed up, it would be you!

Navy: And just how do you justify that?!

Army: I've trained more of them than you, I've got more experience.

Navy: That's your reason?!

JROTC: *discretely walks over to SEAL* *quietly*Can we go?

SEAL: Come on.
*SEAL and JROTC leave*

Army: They- Hey! Where are you going?!

Navy: See? You upset her! That's why she's going with Seal.

*Navy and Army hurry after SEAL and JROTC*

Army: I did not! You probably upset her, and she left cause she didn't want to listen to you anymore!

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