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*Army chasing Air Force*

Army: Give me my cap back!

Air Force: Ha! You're too slow!

Marine: *snatches hat from Air Force and gives it to Army* You two need to calm down.

Army: He started it. *puts hat back on his head*

Seal: You need to lighten up, Marine.

Marine: *glares*

Army: Hey, where's Green?

Green Beret: I'm here. Hi Sal.

Seal: It's Seal! Sea Air and Land!

Green Beret: Where does the E come from?

Air Force: He does have a point.


Green Beret: You're just upset because I'm better than you.

Seal: In your dreams!

CIA: This is why we don't have parties.

Air Force: You're such a party-pooper.

CIA: Can we finish this up? I've got stuff to do.

Paratrooper: You just want to go galavanting across the world.

CIA: It's a lot more interesting than here where were all arguing with each other.

*seal and green beret still arguing*
*both start fighting*

CIA: And this is why we don't have family reunions often.

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