Tiring Day

350 21 7

Saw this pin and felt like I should write it with them.

I have to make human names for these guys.

It had been a long day. It was only a few hours past midday, but he had been up all night on duty.

The roar and rumble of the train echoed through the station as the train came to a halt. With a high tone the doors opened and Army boarded the train with a few others. He didn't realize how exhausted he actually was until he sat down. He leaned back in his seat and let his eyes fall closed. He paid little attention to the bumps of the train and the loud noises.


AirForce ran a hand over his face to keep himself awake. He just wanted to go home and go to bed. Scratch that. He just wanted to fall asleep. He didn't really care where.

The subway stopped in front of him and the doors opened. He stepped inside and sat down beside a uniformed soldier. He seemed to be asleep, the brim of his hat covered his eyes. AirForce leaned back and promptly fell into unconsciousness.


When Army woke up, there was someone leaning on him. He looked over to see a man dressed in an Air Force uniform asleep on his shoulder.

He looked up to see that his stop was the next one. He thought of waking the man up, but thought better of it. He was probably just as tees as he was. Besides, he could use some more sleep as well.

He let his head fall back and closed his eyes once again. He drifted back to the pleasant darkness of sleep.

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