Rite of Passage

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Seal crouched on top of the heating pipes along the ceiling. He hadn't done this in a while. He'd done it on other marines before, but never to Marine. A part of him was a bit nervous about what Marine would do to him, but he could handle him.

Footsteps clicked down the hallway, quickly approaching. Seal looked behind himself and saw Marine walking down the hallway. Turning his head back forwards, he waited until Marine was just behind him. As he came to pass beneath him, Seal pulled his feet off the pipes and let himself fall onto Marine.

He heard him briefly call out before they both toppled to the hard ground. Seal locked his arm around Marine's neck, his other hand quickly finding the dog tags at his chest. Marine's hands pulled on his arm, struggling to get out of the hold. Seal took a firm hold on the dog tags and ripped it away, feeling the chain snap.

He heard Marine start to gasp for breath before he abruptly pushed him away. Seal scrambled to his feet as he heard Marine inhale a few times. Seal raced down the hallway, Marine's dog tags in his hand.

"Get back here!" He heard Marine's footsteps run behind him. "Give me my dog tags back!"

Seal laughed, his laughter ringing down the hallway. He raced through the building, warm air rushing past him as their footsteps ran through his ears. Seal listened to Marine shout after him as he laughed. He never imagined annoying Marine would be this much fun. He should do it more often.

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