Not Giving Up

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It's 8:15 the morning after the ultrasound, the bright morning sun streaming into the room through the open curtains. I roll over in bed, my eyes still closed and I throw my arm on the other side of the bed to bring Emma close, but my arm landed on the soft blankets that surrounded me. "Emma come back to bed baby." I groaned, my eyes still closed, but I got nothing in response.

This is so weird, Emma never wakes up before 9 unless she has to. I thought?

I sat up and opened my eyes, and squinted into the bright sunlight that filled my room to try and see if i could find Emma. After a minute my eyes began to adjust. I was the only one in the room. Nothing looked out of place, but something just felt off to me. "Emma?" I called again not knowing where she could be. I looked through every room on the top floor of my house. No Emma. I quickly ran downstairs, but there was still no sign of her and at that moment, an alarm went off in my head. Yes, something was extremely wrong.

Emma wouldn't just disappear without a note.

a note!

I ran back to the bedroom looking for a note from my blonde, but there wasn't one. My heart started to beat a little faster with each passing second. I rushed back down the stairs and looked in every possible place Emma could have left a note, but once again, my luck had run out and I began to panic.

"Shit, Emma where are you?" I asked myself out loud. if she went to Granny's she would have left a note for sure, hell if she went anywhere she would have left a note telling me where she was. I couldn't think of anything more to do so I picked up my phone and called the only person I knew who could help me find my girl friend.

"Hello?" a voice on the other end said. "Ruby, its Regina, I need your help. Emma, Emma's gone! she just disappeared without a trace and somethings wrong, I can feel it!" I cried into the phone. "And what makes you think that I would be willing to help you?" Ruby asked and I could picture her rolling her eyes as she said this. "Ruby, Please. I know, I know you have a thing for her. I know you love her and so do I, but if we don't get to her now, we may be too late. Please..." I begged. I heard a sigh on the other end of the line "Alright Regina, but lets get one thing straight, I'm doing this for Emma. I still hate you." She said a bit kinder. I scrunched up my nose wondering why the hell she would hate me, but then again I did pretty much destroy her life and chance to be with Emma, so I guess thats understandable. "Well I guess we're on the same page then." I responded. "great." I heard her say. "great. get here as fast as you can, I still have to inform Mary Margaret." I said and hung up on Ruby and immediately called Mary Margaret. The phone rang and rang and rang. "this is just fucking great." said frustrated after about thirty seconds of letting the phone ring. I hung up, grabbed my coat off the coat rack by the front door and ran outside into the cold and got into my car. I didn't bother putting on my seatbelt. I was too worried about Emma to worry about my own safety. I sped through town and to Storybrooke Elementary where Mary Margaret taught and didn't ben bother to park the car. I just pulled through the drop off and turned off my car before rushing inside the building. "Ah, ms..." the receptionist tried to talk to me but I was already half way down the hallway to the fourth grade teacher's classroom. I threw open the door and ran to the pixie haired woman. "Regina what are you..." she tried to ask, but I was in no mood to explain. "Alright everyone, Class dismissed." I said. I grabbed her by the hand, causing her to drop the piece of chalk in her hand. "Regina, please explain yourself! I'm in the middle of a class, I'll dismiss MY class when its over!" the school teacher said. I stopped and looked at her worried "Its Emma. she's gone. we have to go now if we want to find her before its too late." I said and I could feel the tears beginning to sting the back of my eyes. The shocked and worried look on her face said it all. she ran to her desk and grabbed her purse. "Boys and girls, I have an emergency to attend to, class is dismissed." she said and together we ran back to my car and got in. We drove by the diner and as we passed it Mary Margaret looked at me. "can't ruby help us find her?" she questioned. " she's already back at my place." I answered. "Well what about your mom and sister?" she asked and pointed out the window of the car. I saw the two woman walking on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Not giving a shit about who I held up, I made a quick u-turn and rolled down my window as I did. "Mother, Zelena, get in. we need your help." I said desperately. Zelena obviously saw the worried look on my face and she looked at mother. "It's Emma isn't it?" Zelena asked and I nodded. They immediately climbed into the car and we took off once again for my house.

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