Asia and Lexi offered me their sympathy and sometimes talked back the bullies. But somehow, I just saw it as an act. Somehow I thought they were part of this. It only made sense. They were the ones who started this whole mess, and even though they were friends with me again, this still continued. There was something fishy about that. So I tried to ignore them, but they didn't let me. Instead they offered me comfort. And most times I took it. It was stupid, but I was living in a hellhole right now. No one comforted me besides them and Alex. So, any comfort I was given, I reached out and took it.

What hurt the most was when I Sandy had called me. I recived her phone call, thinking it was for her to just have a normal conversation with me. Or to ask me to hang out. Or to even. tell me how sorry she felt about my situation.

No, that wasn't the case.

"I heard what they say about you. I saw the pictures you posted. You're disgusting! A slut! Stay away from my brother, he deserves someone way beyter than you."

I had had cried so much! Tears fell to the floor 'till I was sitting in my own ocean of tears. I wanted to call Alex so he could come and wap his warm arms around me because I felt safe in them. But his sister's words came back to me.

Then his sister's words really came back to me.

'I saw the picture you posted. You're disgusting!

Immediately, I logged into my Instagram account. Then, I found it.

Someone had made a fake account of me. It had a picture of me on the profile, and my pictures on the page. Somebody had hacked into my photos, because some of them were really old photos that I hadn't even put on social media, because they were too embarrassing. Some of the pictures weren't even real, but of girls who looked like me from far away, and they were naked and striking sexual poses. There were captions like, you guys are calling me a slut, will here's what you wanted!

I shut down my phone and started crying. It seemed like that's all I did these days. And people thought these were real! I would never post things like this!

I cried for hours. I felt so done for. I felt so stupid. Why were these people doing this to me? I did nothing to them! I did nothing to deserve this! All I did was talk back to Asia one day, and this whole thing started. I mean Asia was loved by everyone in school, but why bully someone for standing up for themselves?! This was all so stupid!

More tears fell from my eyes. I cried till my eyes were dry and it felt like it was impossible to ever be able to cry again.

My heart was beating rapidly with rage and hurt.

What could I ever do to end this? I got back up on Twitter and Instagram, maybe there would be some type of sign they could give. Some sign telling me what I was doing so wrong, what horrible thing I had done to make me deserve this. Because if I found out, then I would stop.

I read through the tweets and the messages and the threats.

Really, people as disgusting as you needs to stay off this planet.

Your so ugly, you nappy headed hoe!!!

Your such a fake friend! First you disrespected Asia and now your back with her, still trying to take her man from her?!

Alex doesn't deserve you. He deserves a beautiful, respectable, and smart girl. Not some slut like you!

I really feel bad for Alex, he doesn't know Monica's true colors.

Asia and Lexi are stupid for being around that fake hoe!!!

Just kill yourself!

Posting naked pictures, where is your self respect?!

Ya'll know her father left her?! She really is nothing!

I'm tired of you guys bullying her, ya'll need to stop!!
Replies: girl, have you seen her IG page?
She stold Asia's man!

You wouldn't say that if you knew how bad she is.

That girl probably some slut too!!! :) ;)

She probably some fake friend just like that Monica b*tch.

Girl, shut up! You don't know nothing. Talkin' 'bout how we need to stop bullying her! If she wasn't so disgusting, she wouldn't be receiving this!

Shut up, hoe!!

She deserves it! I've seen her before this whole thing! She acted all sweet and innocent. I would have never knew she was so fake.

One person had tried to defend me, and she got shamed for it. I felt so mad! I was so happy that Alex didn't have any social media. If he saw these, what would he say?

Looking at the messages, it seemed like all these people thought that I was just some slut who tried to steal my best friend's man. They couldn't have been more wrong! And with this fake account, it just made me look even more bad.

So there was only one way this bullying could actually stop. My heart was pounding with hurt. I didn't want to do what I was about to do. I was going to be even more hurt than right now. But this had to stop. It had to stop before I did something I would really, really, really regret.

I hated my life. I hated my decisions. I hated everything, except for him. But I had to give him up. I had to give Asia back "her man" and maybe this would stop.

I felt like my heart had just shattered into a million pieces. I was going to miss him. I really did like him. I still did.

I hope breaking up with him will be worth it. I hoped that these people would leave me alone than.

Tough Girl Out, Soft Girl InOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz