Chapter 21

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I took a deep breath. I entered the cafeteria. Alex was with me now, but he was going to sit with his friends. I liked that we were together now. Because, Asia would see that she didn't damage our friendship with the misunderstanding she had caused.

I walked through the lunch line, grabbing a tray of spaghetti and chocolate milk.

"That's not a lot of food." Alex says. I looked at his tray which was filled with spaghetti, an apple, a yogurt, a bag of whole grain potato chips, and chocolate milk.

I shrugged. "I'm not really feeling really hungry right now."

He nodded. "Nervous?"

I looked away from him. "Yeah."

"You know if you want me to help you talk to them with you, I can." He offers.

I smiled at him. "No its okay. I can do this by myself. I'm a big girl."

He gave me a bright smile. "Of course you are, my beautiful woman."

I gasped, but he had already walk away. He called me his beautiful woman. Sure, he had called me beautiful woman before, but not his! Oh my gosh... What if he...

I was such in a daze, I didn't realize I had already reached my friend's table.

They looked at me as I sat down.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey." They replied.

I looked at Asia. "How was the movie yesterday?" I calmly asked.

This girl must have had no shame, because she looked me straight in the eye and said excitedly, "it was really good! He is such a gentleman, girl!" Suddenly, her lips curled in disgust. "His sister was kind of annoying though."

I rolled my eyes. How was his sister annoying? "She didn't like you flirting with him?" I asked with fake interest.

"Maybe." Asia said, shrugging.

I couldn't take this. Was she really going to act all innocent and try to have a normal conversation with me?
"Asia, be real with me." I said seriously.

"Okay. You're ugly." She says with a straight face.

My mouth dropped in shock. How dare she?

Both Lexi and Asia bursted out laughing. It took me a second to realize they were joking.I wasn't in a laughing mood though.

"Okay guys, stop it. That wasn't even funny." I say.

"Yes it is." Asia laughed.

"You should have seen your face." Lexi said as she giggled.

"Okay, Asia. We need to talk-" I start.

"About your lack of a sense of humor." Asia says, winking at me.

"No, not that." I said, annoyed.

"Your face though!!" Lexi said again, and they both bursted into a new set of laughter.

I glared at them, which they both ignored. They were seriously doing this on purpose. I guess they didn't want to talk about what happened. But I was not having it.

"Ya'll seriously have some nerve right now." I say.

Immediately, they stopped laughing. "Excuse me?" Asia says, leaning foward.

"You heard me." I said, glaring at her.

She laughed. Lexi followed along.

"You must be joking, Monica. What have we done?" Asia says leaning backwards to her seat.

"Asia, don't do that. You know exactly what you did." I say.

"Is this about the movies with Alex?" Asia asks twirling her hair around.


"Why are you making such a fuss about it?" She asked and took a bite of her food.

"Asia, you are not stupid! I have a reason to make a fuss! You are my friend, Asia!" My voice was getting loud. "Friends don't do this to each other! How do you just pretend like I didn't want to go with him, so you could go? You didn't even tell me anything."

"'s not a big deal." Asia said, a bored look on her face.

"Yes it is!! I seriously thought he was coming! I waited out there, and he never even showed up. Because of you, my 'friend'. Because, you lied to him."

"You almost ruined Alex's and my   friendship!" I said angrily.

"Monica, it's not that serious." Lexi intervered.

I turned from Alex and glared at her.

"Don't even say anything right now. Because you're no better than her right now." I said, pointing at Asia.

"You mean you are no better." Asia says, pointing at me.

Really, Asia? I scowled at her which she returned a bored face with.

"Look at you, getting mad at your best friends. And over what? Over a boy. Who does that? What happened to loyalty, Monica?"

"Asia, that's different and you know it!" I was seriously getting pissed off.

"No its, not. Look at you, getting jealous over a guy that doesn't even pay attention to you. You're making such a big deal off of it, when it wasn't even a date. It wasn't serious. Even his sister was there."

She was trying to make me look bad, when I didn't deserve any blame.

"It shouldn't have been a big deal. But you lied. And that hurt. I'm trying to not make it into a bigger deal by telling you how I feel, so you can apologize, and we can move on!"

People were looking at us now. But I didn't care. Asia was making this so difficult!

"Why should I apologize? When you are just being a jealous brat?" Asia asked, never losing her calm. Her classy attitude was pissing me off more than anything. She remained calm while I was almost yelling.

"I'm not jealous." I said, even though I knew that was not true.

"Yes you are. That's why your so mad. You wouldn't be this upset if you weren't jealous. You're jealous that he went with me and that you couldn't come. You're jealous that I have his attention and you don't. You're so jealous that you accused us and didn't even think about him being the liar here. You have only known him for a few weeks, whereas you have known Lexi and I for years."

"Because he isn't!" I yelled. "He told me!"

"And you just belived him?" Asia laughed, and Lexi followed.

"Why do you think he won't lie to you? Do you think he cares about you or something? The only one Alex could ever be with is me." Asia says giving me a smile.

I didn't believe her. Alex wasn't lying to me. She was.

"I'm confused as to why your so jealous anyway. Didn't you not like the guys I liked? Weren't you suppose to hook us up?" Asia says. "I mean, what happened to that?"

"For real, she definitely likes him." Lexi says, rolling her eyes.

I took a deep breath. I looked back to where Alex was sitting. He was talking and laughing with his friends. He was completely unaware it two girls were yellung and fighting over him.

I looked back at Asia and Lexi.

"Maybe I do."

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