Chapter 8

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Finally, it was Friday. Asia and I decided to go shopping while Lexi decided to stay home.

Asia and I rode in her Mercedes-Benz , blasting her favorite type of music.

Hip hop.

Drake came on singing "Hotline Bling". Asia sang along on the top of her lungs as she drove to the mall. I shook my head at her and took out my phone.

Lexi had sent a message.

I'm at your house and babysitting Tiara...and she's crying her head off! What do I do?

I laughed, imagining the whole thing.

Her diaper is probably dirty. Check it, I texted her.

Ewww, help!

I ignored Lexi's next texts and focused on the singing Asia next to me.

"Girl, stop. You can't sing. You're talent is dancing, okay?" I said. Asia rolled her eyes and finally stopped singing. I sighed a breath of relief, I was getting tired of the yelling next to my ear. And if she didn't, we could have swerved into a car.

"Oh please, Monica. Don't act like that. I can't sing like you, but I got a better voice than that Claire chick." Asia said, winking at me. I burst out laughing. I hated Claire and all, but her voice was definitely better than my best friend's.

Finally, the mall came into view. Asia parked and we got out of the car.

Asia threw on a pair of sunglasses, threw her fist in the air, and yelled out loud, "we gon' shop till we drop, baby!" I slapped my forehead as an elderly couple looked warily at us.

"No Asia. Not now." I sighed and dragged her into Forever 21.

After a couple of minutes later, Asia was trying to convince me to try on a two-piece bikini. The thing hardly covered anything, which wasn't something I was into.

"Please!" Asia begged. "It'll look so good on you at my party."

"Party?" I said, "What party?"

Asia rolled her eyes. "I didn't tell you I was throwing a pool party? Well, I am!" Now, it was my turn to roll my eyes. We lived in Miami, Florida so it wasn't unusual to throw a pool party in fall. But we could have had this party last week while it was still fully summer.

"I'll go, Asia. But I'm not wearing that." I said, pointing at the less-than-underwear thing. I found a more conserving bikini with boy shorts. "I'll wear this."

Asia eyed my bikini, pure disgust on her face. But soon, she gave in. "Fine."

We payed and left. We went to Subway afterward and ordered our favorite sandwiches.

I was in my 12th bite at least when Asia spoke.

"So you will invite him to my party, won't you?" She asked. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Who?" I asked.

"Alex. Duh."

"Oh!" Who else would she be talking about?

I thought for a second. I do have Alex in 2nd period but... "Asia, I know it seems like I know him and all.... But, I don't know him that well. I don't know if he'll come to the party." Asia threw me an impatient glare. I shrink under her cold gaze.

"Monica, just try. I'm pretty sure he won't be able to resist your charm." Asia smirked at me. What? She wants me to charm him. If by some miracle he falls for me...he'll get hurt!

I laughed at my though. Fall for you? Girl, you thought!


Asia dropped me at my house. I opened the door and stopped when I heard a strange noise. I looked around. Was somebody crying? Yep, someone was bawling and it wasn't Tiara.

I walked to where the cries were coming from.

Tiara's room. I opened the door without knocking.

Selena sat on the floor with Tiara in her hands. Her usual chocolate skin was now an unusual pale color and her bright eyes was filled with tears.
Tiara, who was in her arms, was crying too and even harder than her mother.

Did somebody die or something?

"Umm.." I cleared my throat, uncomfortably. Selena's head jerked up.

"Oh gosh...I'm sorry." She muttered before throwing me a nervous laugh. I never thought I would ever feel this in my whole life but...I felt sorry for her.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly. Selena stood up and I took Tiara from her hands, who immediately stopped crying. For some reason, this made Selena burst out crying again.

As Selena continued to sob, I wondered on what I should do to comfort her. Finally, I wrapped my free hand around her shoulder.

"Its okay" I whispered. Selena leaned her head on my shoulder, making me a bit uncomfortable. I wanted to move but I decided against it.

Selena took a deep breath and spoke. "Lexi was here and she watched Tiara for me. And Tiara managed to fall asleep. The thing is she was so peaceful in Lexi's hands. We all know Tiara is a volcano at times, but when she woke up, she exploded. No matter how much I tried to comfort her, she never stopped crying." Selena said.

"But you see how she melts in your hands. She was crying until you held her. See, a baby should yearn for her mother's arms more than any other human being. But that's the exact opposite for me and Tiara. She hates me." Selena took a shaky breath, tears were now traveling silently down her cheeks.

"I'm just a very bad mother. I'm doing all this wrong." She finished. My heart broke. I felt total empathy for my step-mom. It made sense for me to dislike her, but to feel as though your very own daughter hated you- that must have hurt.

"That's not true, Selena." I said. "I'm not a mom, but I'm pretty sure motherhood is hard. And its hard for a new mom, but I know that if you try...things will improve. You and Tiara just need time."

"Monica, I don't think you'll ever call me mom." Selena said and smiled sadly. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Thank you for the words of comfort, Monica. You don't know how much it means to me."

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