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Jon went to kitchen to find Kris. Kris was there sitting all alone on the counter with a coke bottle in her hand.
Jon: Look who's all alone.
Kris: Can't say I didn't miss you. Where did you go?
Jon hopped on the counter sitting beside Kris( Their thighs were touching).
Jon: I joined Carl for a beer.
Jon gently took the coke from her and began drinking it like they were old friends.
Jon: Where's Olivia and Renee?
Kris: Renee went to see Andy and Olivia is in the bathroom.
Jon: Kris, can I ask you something?
Kris: Yes? What is it?
Jon: Who's Michael?
Kris grew serious.
Kris: Who told you about him?
Jon: No one. If you dont wanna talk about it then just forget it.
Kris: Jon, there's nothing to talk about him. Michael is just a jerk.
Jon: I know! Im sorry.
Jon holds Kris's hands.
Kris: You don't have to be. I always fall for a wrong guy.
Jon: No. Im sure. One day, you will find a guy who loves you and won't let anything stop him from it.
Kris: Hmm...I guess..
Kris leaned on Jon's shoulder.
Jon: Hey! Do you wanna go to Pizza place?
Kris: Really?!
Jon: Yeah. Come on! This party sucks.
Kris: Alright then.
Jon: Come on! Lets go before anyone see us.

I know that this is a very small chapter and Im so sorry for it. Im working on the next one so this is just a draft copy of it. Lol.
Special Mentions:Aloe Gigi( I received your message, thanks for your concern,buddy) ♡ Howlala ♡ Emis033 ♡ Fangirl283 ♡ Peyoteherione ♡
I will update sooner. Thanks for reading. Love you guys ♡

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