Dude, You Love Her!

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Jon: Andy! Where's Kris? When she'll be back?
It is 2pm. Jon and Andy was working as usual. Kris went to a meeting at 8 and havent return yet.
Andy: For the last time,Jon! She went to a meeting with Mr.Joshua and I dont know when she'll be back! Whats going on with you?
Jon: hmm..nothing
Andy: You've have asked this question for like 1000 times. Whats wrong with you?
Jon: I kinda have this strange feeling for Kris. Its like... I miss her when she's not around and..
Andy: and?
Jon: I always wants to be with her and I can't stop thinking about her..her beautiful blue eyes, her sweet smile and everything. Whenever I see I feel like-
Andy gave Jon disgusting look.
Jon: and why are you looking at me like that?
Andy: Do you love her?
Jon: What?
Andy: Come on! Dont act like you dont know. You are in love. This is how you feel when you met Angela back in college.
Jon: I know I love her but I just dont wanna tell her.
Andy: Just tell her.
Jon: No, What if she-
Kris: Hey guys!
Jon: H-h-heey,Kris! H-h-how was the meeting?
Kris: Jon, are you okay?
Andy: He's fine. How's your meeting?
Kris: It was great. I just came here to take my pendrive that I lend you yesterday.
Andy: One second!
Andy takes the pendrive from his cabinet and gave it to Kris.
Kris: Thanks!
Kris left.
Jon: Pheew! That was close.
Andy: Aren't gonna tell her?
Jon: I will. Im just waiting for a right moment.
Andy shook his head and get back to work.
Jon: Andy! Andy!
Andy: What?!
Jon: What if she doesn't feel the same way?
Andy: What if she DOES feel the same way you do? You'll never know if you don't find out.
Jon: You're right,man!
Andy: I know. So be a man and tell her!
Jon: I said Im waiting for a right moment.
Andy: This is the right moment.
Kris pass by their cubicle.
Andy: There she is. Kris! Kris!
Kris: What?
Andy: Jon wants to tell you something important!
Andy got up and walks away from that place.
Kris: What is it, Jon?
Jon: ...............

I will update sooner. Thanks for reading 💙

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