Justin ♥

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It was a normal day at People's Office.
Jon: Andy!
Andy: Sup
Jon: What you doing?
Andy: Cartoons? Why?
Jon: Did you finish Prince Harry's article?
Andy: Yeah! I gave it to Kris.
Jon: What?! You should give it to me first!
Andy: Why should I give you?
Jon: coz I have to edit it with photographs?
Andy: Oh yeah! Im sorry. Let me go get it.
Jon: I'll go get it.
Andy: after you take the file. Be a man and ask her out.
Jon ignored Andy and went to Kris's room. Kris was laughing with some new guy.
Kris: Oh Hey Jon! Come in!
Jon enter the room awkwardly.
Jon: Hi?
Mel: Jon, this is Justin and Justin, this Jon. Justin is our new receptionist.This is Jon, he is one of our writer.
Justin: Nice to meet you,Jon!
Jon: Nice to meet you too.
Justin and Jon shook hands.
Justin: Kris,Mel and I went to high school together.
Jon: Oh
Mel: Haha Yeah! Kris and Justin used to be the hottest couple in high school.
Jon: You both were a couple in high school?
Kris: Yeah, back then.
Jon: I-I-I like it when we share! Ahem.. I just came to take this file.
Jon took the file and left the room. Jon went to his cubicle and threw the file on his table.
Andy: Hey! Did you ask her out?
Jon: Oh! Shut up!
Andy: Whats wrong?
Jon: There's a new guy appointed today.
Andy: So?
Jon: He and Kris used to be in a relationship back in high school.
Andy: and they are still together?
Jon: I dont think so..
Andy: Then whats the problem, now?
Jon: What if they get back together?
Andy: Oh Jon! Please. They dated a decade ago and you think they still have feelings for each other?
Kris: Hey!
Kris was holding Justin's arms.
Andy: Oh Hi,Kris! Didnt see you there! And whos this?
Justin: Oh,Hi Im Justin and you must be Andy.
Andy: Haha yeah. Nice to meet you.
Justin: Haha! Nice to meet you.
Mel: We are going to cafe. You guys wanna tag along?
Jon: No. We're good.
Kris: Okay. We'll see you guys later then.
After they get out from there Jon turned to Andy and said
Jon: Can you believe that?! She was holding his arms.

I will update sooner. Thanks for reading. Love you all 💙

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