Undisclosed Desires Chap.19

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  • Dedicated to To all my fans and readers.. Happy Holidays <3

In the spirit of the holidays, i leave this chapter as your gift for christmas. It is a bit longer than usual because sadly the story is coming to an end. Don't worry this is not the last chapter. Vote and comment, please. Enjoy reading it!

~Shals <3

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Chapter 19.

“You have to talk to him, Damien.” Adrian said for the thousandth time.

“He refuses to listen to me, what do you want me to fucking do?”

Adrian looked serious, “Get the fucking balls and talk. Don’t be a little bitch, Damien.”

Damien glared at Adrian and just sighed. It had been a week since the accident with Drake and Steve back in Damien’s house. Drake was all better. The doctors said he was going to be fine. The punctured lung wasn’t that bad, but he would need to take it easy for a while. Adrian had phoned Damien’s mom and told her what had happened. Damien’s birthday party had been cancelled and the recording studio had given Ignorantia Beata a leave of absence while the main singer got better.

Although Drake was doing better, not everything had been good news. Steve had passed away three days ago. Adrian had been like a zombie for the first day. The second day, he had gone to the hospital and just sat in Drake’s room. He would talk but it wouldn’t be like his usual self. By the third day, he had said he had enough and grabbed Damien by the arm and dragged him out of Drake’s room.

Now they were in the visiting area arguing about what Damien was going to do. Adrian had the urge to slap Damien so bad, but decided that first he would talk some sense. If it didn’t work then he would knock, more like slap, some sense into the guy.

“I don’t even know what you getting involved in this, Adrian.” Damien mumbled after losing a staring contest with Adrian.

Adrian sat on the chair and stared into nothingness, “Steve denied me the entire time we were together. We would get into a lot of fights about it. I wish I could tell you that we were extremely happy, but I’d be lying. Yes, I was happy because I loved him, but I needed more than love. I needed for Steve to accept ‘us’, but… it never happened.” He wiped his eyes.

“Adrian… I’m sorry.”

Adrian chuckled, “Don’t be, Damien. Even though Steve never actually told me he loved me, at least he was straight with me. I knew what was going on in his head, unlike you and Drake,” he turned to look at his friend in the eye, “Don’t let this shit get out of control, Damien. Take Steve and myself as a warning, when you aren’t straight with your loved one… it may be too late when you want to be.” He smiled a bit and got up and left.

Damien sat on the chair and thought about everything. He really did love Drake. Had he told him so? He couldn’t see himself without Drake, and even the thought caused his chest to tighten painfully. He needed to talk to Drake, and if Drake didn’t want to talk then he would make him listen.

Drake laid on his bed. People had come to visit him and had left. His friends had come to check on him. Everyone had been in the room, except for one person. I told him to leave, he thought to himself as he sighed and tried to think of anything else.

“Son, are you sure you want to go to Canada?” Drake’s father broke the silence in the room. Luciano was sitting on the reclining chair next to Drake’s bed. Since the doctors had said that Drake was out of danger, Luciano had been able to sleep for more than thirty minutes. The black bags under his eyes were vanishing.

Drake remained silent and just looked at the ceiling. He didn’t know what to say to his father. One part of him wanted to leave and never come back. That part wanted to forget about Damien and start a new life far away from him. However, the other part of him wanted to stay here and be happy with Damien. Drake knew that Damien loved him and that they could work out all this that had happened, but Drake was stubborn in the end.

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