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Sierra pov

I sat on the floor in the shower as my mom watched me. I sat there in defeat, the cold water ran down my body as it stung my fresh cuts I had given myself, "can I get out now? I have been in here for 10 minutes." I asked I had now felt guilty. "Fine, go to your room, I don't want to see until tomorrow." Mom scoffed. I stood up and I could see blood mom looked at me "please tell me that's not what I think it is."

It probably was but I quickly covered it up "no, it's my period." I said leaving her bathroom. I ran into my bathroom and changed what I had to, then I looked at the deep cut. "Fuck." I thought. I grabbed a gauze from under the sink and put it on the un-usual deep cut. I changed my clothes and I put a jacket on. I went to my vanity and pulled out black nail polish. I painted my nails and they were perfect. "Shit, I'm good." I laughed. I waited for my nails to dry and it was now 10:30 at night. This is when my feeling catch up with me. I put my earbuds in and start listening to depressing music. The first song that comes on "Breathe me" by sia this song gets me every time. I lay on my floor because I didn't want to lay on my bed with my hair all wet.

I softly got up and went to my moms door, I put my ear to it and I could mom crying. "Dad, I think she has like anger issues, once she's mad she's mad. I was called a bitch many times, and she called me whore, it's like living with my bullys." She sobbed. "Oh no." I said, the tears began flowing from my eyes. I ran to my room and closed the door softly, I slid down the door and laid on the floor. Tears were becoming to powerful, I began sobbing very loud, I began to hyperventilate. I sat up and punched my legs with all my force. I just wanted to punch myself in my face, so I kept punching my fat legs. I was now listening to Unsteady and I was truly guilty. I stood up and went to my bathroom, I closed my door and locked it. I opened my bathroom cabinet and grabbed my blade that taped on the side of it.

Sierra don't it

You will make it worse

She will hate you


Ugh! These fucking voices! I stood up and punched the mirror, my knuckles started bleeding the glass fell everywhere and I just wanted it over. When my door handle started shaking "Sierra!" Mom yelled. "Open the door!" She yelled. "Why?" I asked like nothing was going on. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I fell!" I said holding back the tears. "Okay just making sure." And she left. After she left I grabbed my phone and changed my clothes, I opened my window and it was now midnight. I opened my window and crawled out of my bedroom, I got my booster board and ride it to Matts house. I have done this before. I got to his house went to the back of the house and put my board, I climbed up tree and knocked on his window, he was on his computer. He looked at me and looked confused. He opened it and I looked at him "I needed to leave my house." I said walking in his room.

"Why are your knuckles bleeding?" I asked. "I might of punched a window." I smiled. "We need to wash them." He said pulling me into the hall bathroom "what about your parents?" I asked whispering "they went on dad night, which means they went to a hotel to fuck they won't be back till tomorrow." He laughed, then I laughed. "I almost walked in on my mom having sex, I walked inside my house and walked up the stairs and I heard moaning and kissing noises." I laughed. "Ooo that sucks, I actually walked in on them, that's why they leave now." He laughed. I sat on the counter "why are you wearing pants it's like 85 degrees?" He asked. "Because it was the first thing, my mom was crying because I called her a whore and a bitch. So I needed to leave, or I would of done something I would of regretted." I smiled. He smiled, he finished cleaning my knuckles and he put his hands on each sides of my thighs. Then he smiled at me, and he kissed me. After a few seconds I deepened the kiss.

He picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist, he brought me to his bedroom and he closed the door. He moved his hands down my back and felt my butt. His hands changed into my dads hands. I started not being able to breathe "stop stop." I said as tears rolled down my face. "I'm sorry I went to far" he said hugging me, "no it wasn't you. I promise I'm still working through some things." I softly smiled. "Hey you know what could help?" He asked opening his mini fridge, he brought out two beers. My eyes widened, he opened both of them and handed me one, "fuck it." I smiled. Then he brought it weed. "shit, where do you get all of this?" I asked drinking the beer. "I got connections." He smiled. He opened his window and lit it a blew it out.

I grabbed it out of his hands and smoked it, "oh my god this is amazing." I breathed in and blew out. "Here have some." He handed me like 4 rolls and a lighter. I put it in a bag. Next thing I knew I fell asleep on his floor.


I woke up and head was pounding, I grabbed my phone and it read 7:30 am. I looked at Matt who was passed out. "Shit shit shit!" I thought. I climbed out his window and grabbed my booster board. I ran out the backyard and his parents got out of the car. "Sierra?" They said. I ignored them and ran, eventually I out my board down and road back to my house. I got to my house and I climbed back to my room and my heart was pounding, I looked at the blood on my floor and the glass in my bathroom. I rolled my eyes. I went into the guest room which was in the back of the house. I closed the door and locked it, I opened the window and sat on the top of the deck. I pulled out a roll and lit it. I was now a druggie.

I smoked it until I heard mom knock on the door. "Sierra! Is that you!" She yelled. "Yeah it is!" I yelled putting out the blunt and closing the window and then opening the door. I didn't know smoking weed made you smell and made your eyes red. "Sierra?" She smelled me "are you smoking weed!" She said raising her voice "no no no!" I smelled like a skunk. "I was outside and I sprayed by a skunk!" I yelled. Mom rolled eyes "don't even lie, you can't even keep yours eyes open and they are red. Just go get in a shower and go to sleep." Mom walked away putting her head down walking into her room. I knew I was losing my best friend, she is going to send me back I fucked up. I grabbed clothes and went downstairs to shower because off all the glass.

I finished and I went into the kitchen, but on my way I started to have a panic attack, I bent over and put my hands on my knees and began to hyperventilate and cry. I began to feel weird I felt like it wasn't real life. "MOM!" I screamed as I felt as if my heart was going to fail. She ran down the stairs "Sierra! What's wrong!" I fell to the ground and started screaming. "Sierra!" Mom screamed picking me up I fisted her shirt. "I'm sorry!" I screamed. "Dad! I don't want to play games!" I screamed hyperventilating "Sierra! Your not with your dad!" Mom yelled. "Stop! Don't remove my clothes!" I screamed again forcing myself out of moms arms. I ran out of her arms and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. "Stop! Don't touch me!" I yelled. It's like I could see my dad, but he wasn't actually there. He was talking to me. "I WILL KILL MYSELF IF YOU DONT BACKAWAY!" I yelled pointing the knife at me. I looked at mom who looked at me in horror. "Sierra! What's going on!" I heard.

"Can't you see him!" I yelled. I frantically tried to push my dads arms off of me. "Stop touching me!" I yelled. "Sierra!" Mom screamed. "Sierra! Give me that damn knife or we will play more fucking games!" My dad yelled at me with his deep voice. Eventually I gave up and dropped the knife and passed out.


"Ah!" I screamed shooting up. "Shh!" Mom said holding me. I had passed out against the pantry door. "It's me, Demi, not your mom, not your dad. Just me." She said stroking my hair. I embraced her "he was here." I said. "No, there wasn't anyone. Baby it was just me." Mom cried. "I'm sorry, please don't give me up." I cried. "I wouldn't do that in a million years. You need sleep." Mom kissed my head and I felt comfort. I get safe, I was just not mentally stable. Mom picked me up and brought me to her room and laid me on her bed. She brought the comfortable over my body and laid next to me. "Just take a nap." Mom said.

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