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Sierra pov

Me and mom went home and decided to have a lazy day, she changed into sweatpants and a if t-shirt, I changed into a tight-ish tank top and leggings. I sat in my mirror looking at my butt "damn." I thought I have a nice butt. It's not flat like most white girls.

I walked downstairs and mom was making food, "Whatcha making?" I asked plopping on the couch turning on the tv. "Pasta, I'm hungry." Mom laughed. She finished cooking her pasta and joined me. "I'm tired of watching Keeping up with the Kardashians." Mom giggled. "Oh well, it's a new episode!" I smiled. "You need to wear a bra with that sweetheart." Mom blurted out. I clicked my tongue "moooom" I said covering up my chest. Mom laughed. "Sorry didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She laughed.  "It's fine." I laughed. "I need a blanket!" I said shivering. Mom got my phone out and started snapchatting me. "Go get one." I giggled. I got up and started walking and I fell "oh!" Mom said as the snapchat ended. Mom started laughing her head off. "Are-are-you okay?" Mom laughed.

I looked down and I was bleeding, mom saw the puddle of blood forming and the white tile floor. She became serious "Sierra?" She said. I turned around and my tooth went through my lip. "Oh my god." She said freaking out. "Sierra, we have to go to emergency room!" I started to cry from pain. Mom grabbed me an ice pack and a towel as my lip was bleeding profusely. She went upstairs and grabbed me big t-shirt and shoes, and her purse. "Come here." She picked me up and put me in the front seat of her Porsche. With paparazzi camped outside "we're you going Demi?" They yelled. Mom ignored them. She got in the car and they followed us, when we got to the er there was already paparazzi there. Mom pulled in a spot and picked me up bridal style.

Because she is famous we got in to a room sooner, we got into a room and she put me down on the bed. The blood fell on the bed and my shirt and all over me. "This is what happens when you fall on tile." Mom snapchatted me. I started giggling and pushed her phone away. She posted it on her snapchat and millions of people tweeted her telling for me to feel better. The doctor came in telling me I was gonna need stitches because it was a clean cut.

"Mom hold my hand omg." I said. Mom laughed and held my hand. They cleaned my cut under my lip and stitched it, I didn't feel it because it was numb, when they finished I looked at mom and smiled "ow shit. Oops." I giggled. "Sierra Elizabeth." Mom laughed. "Demetria Devonne." I smiled softly because it hurt. We left the hospital and the paparazzi left, thank god because I had dry blood all over my shirt. We got in the car and we drove off.

We got home and it wasn't even night so I couldn't go home and just go straight to bed. Mom went into the workout room I go to my room and grab my blanket, it has my moms album cover on it, a fan made it. It's pretty dope. I laid down on the couch listening to tv but I eventually fell asleep.

Demi pov

I finished working out for about 2 hours and it was now 5, I was wearing a sports bra so I put my on my shirt and walked in the the kitchen to see Sierra sleeping. I took a picture because she was sleeping with a fan blanket and she is adorable. I snapchatted it and put the caption as "sleepy Sierra"

Sierra pov

I woke up from my nap and it was 5:30 I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone, then grabbed an apple and texted Matt, "heyyy" I text "wow your alive, I thought you were dead." It made me giggle as I walked to my room and closed the door. "Too soon."

"Can I come over I miss you, I miss seeing your face all and all you are my girlfriend:)" he texted. "Wow, we have been unofficially dating for a year. Now we are dating officially for 3 weeks and we haven't see eachother so yeah come over boyfriend."

I stopped texting Matt because he lives only a couple minutes from me. Matt is 14 which is better, and he is the only friend I have, that is my age and stuck with me. All my friends ditched me, mom knows we are best friends, she will go crazy if she finds out we are dating. There was a knock at the door "oh yeah Matt is coming over." I said. Mom laughed. I gave her my phone to snap chat this. She backed away from the door and snapchatted it. I opened the door "MATT!" I yelled, I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. "How cute!" Mom smiled posting it on my story. He put me down "hey Demi!" He smiled. Matt looked like he could be 15 or 16, he was ripped with a six pack and he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

The total package, "I'm going to order and or make dinner what do you guys want?" Mom asked. "Uh just make something, surprise us." I smiled grabbing hand "we need to catch up!" I yelled running up the stairs. "HEY! No! Downstairs!" Mom yelled. "Mom, I'm 13! I'm not going to kiss him or have sex with him! I don't know what your scared of." I giggled. "Fine, but you keep your door open!" She pointed a finger at us. I rolled my eyes even though I desperately wanted his lips. I may be because I'm on my period... We ran up the stairs and I waited for mom to leave and I silently closed the door. "Your mom said not to." He laughed. I cocked an eyebrow. "I don't really care." I smiled.

Sometimes I forget I'm 13 and think I'm like 16. Oh well, I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I missed you Matt." I smiled. We have been secretly making out since we were like 11 soooo... He wrapped his arms around my waist and we made out. I pulled away "God your a good kisser." I laughed. I opened my door and we both jumped on my bed. I laughed I put my legs on his legs. "So how was life I asked. "Eh, but now it's a lot better with you." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "DINNER!" Mom yelled. I jumped up from the bed and Matt followed

As we walked downstairs I hit my toe on the chair "ios maldita puta ! esa mierda dolor como un hijo de puta !" (Fucking bitch, pain, that shit hurt like a motherfucker!) I screamed grabbing my toe. I looked at mom who was shocked and cocked an eyebrow. "ya que cuando hablas español?"(since when you speak Spanish?) She replied back. Matt was just as confused. "Cuando vivía con mis padres viejos , que sólo hablan español , así que tenía que aprender." (When I lived with my old phone parents they only speak Spanish so I had to learn) mom laughed. "So are you Latin?" Matt asked sitting next to me. "They both are, I just magically got blonde hair and hazel eyes." I smiled and Matt smiled. "We got pizza." Mom smiled handing us each a slice. I looked at it "I'm not hungry. I had a salad." I smiled. Mom raised an eyebrow. "No se preocupe mamá, im no morirse de hambre." (Don't worry mom, I'm not starving myself) she nodded and they began eating.

They finished eating and Matt had to leave, "I'll walk you out." I smiled. It was now dark and we walked outside and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we quickly made out. Then there was a flash "oh shit." I said hiding my face, "are those paparazzi?" He asked. "Yeah and they are going to post that everywhere." I said. They kept taking pictures and I hugged him. "Leave! And don't talk to them!" He got in his moms car who just pulled up. Oh no. I walked over to the paparazzi guy and asked him to delete the picture, "no way princess, you are about to make me have lots of money." He smiled. "Fuck you!" I said. I grabbed the camera and smashed it. "Fuck you bitch! But I still got the SD card." I smacked myself in the head and walked inside. "God damn!" I yelled. "SIERRA ELIZABETH! Stop cussing!" I rolled my eyes "I'm 13, I'll say what ever the fuck I want." I smiled crossing my arms. "Don't you get smart with me." Mom said walking to me. "I'll do whatever I want whore!" I said wailing my arms. "Oh yeah!" Mom said. "Try me bitch." I smirked. I was probably going to get the cold shower.

Since moms Latina sometimes she punishes them like they do. (PLEASE NO OFFENSE!)

"You better March your yuppy butt upstairs, cause your grounded." Mom said crossing her arms. "Oh boo hoo, you will have some sort of meeting tomorrow and you will take me with you." I smiled trying to push her buttons. "sierra, que Dios me ayude , si no me escucha , el va a obligarme a hacer algo que lamentaré" (Sierra, so help me god if you don't listen to me, your going to make do something I'll regret)

"Well guess what." Mom said. She grabbed my ear and pulled me up the stairs "mom! This fucking hurts!" She brought me to her room and turned on the shower, she picked me up and put me in there. "Aw, fuck you Demetria Devonne!" I spat at her.

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