'Right... I work for that old man.'

"I get your motive... The Kou empire is responsible for Balbadd's downfall." You paused to glance around. "But you see, this conversation isn't exactly private..."

"Oh that's right... I forgot about your babysitter-"

"Chaperone." Ja'far stated as he stepped into to view. "And Alibaba, Hakuryuu is here to learn."

"Well anyway, sorry bud." You gave Alibaba a small pat on the back before continuing down the hall. 'Poor kid wants the fulfillment of revenge.'

Once outside the palace you made your way down to the main city and started mapping out the place. Ja'far said that everything might look different with festival decorations out, so you made sure to make it mentally as detailed as possible.

But almost instantly after turning a corner your heart started beating faster and that same blood lust feeling crept up your spine. 'Someone besides Ja'far is following me.' You quickly paused to look around but there was no one. 'I know they're there though.'

You came to a stop in a near by alley and stood there for a few moments. 'They should come out...'

The shadow slowly grew on the wall in front of you.

"I knew it." You turned to face a hooded figure. "What do you want?"

"You've gained a number of enemies (Y/N)." A deep voice stated.

'Someone hired him to kill me?'

"I have no enemies because they're all dead... Just like you'll be if you don't leave." You drew your sword from its sheath and readied yourself.

"You keep laughing at death..." He paused to take a step closer. "Someday death's gonna laugh back..."

'Ja'far wont come out unless he see's something he doesn't like.' You slowly moved one foot back across the stone floor.

"Why have you been following me?"

"Oh? So you've noticed..." He retorted mockingly.

You narrowed your eyes and held your ground in response.

"Let's just say I represent a mutual acquaintance... The name Kartos ring any bells?" The male asked as he took another step forward.



"Well he remembers you very well... He's looking for you and I-"

'If he finds him, I'll be in deep shit.'

"Well you wont be there to tell him i'm here!" You ran towards the male and slammed him against the wall, blade against his neck.

"Tell me (Y/N), do you still care about your reputation? Is that why you want me dead?" He taunted making your blood boil.

"You have no right to be telling me about that." You pressed the blade against his neck harder as he chuckled underneath it.

"I can see why he likes you so much..."He cracked a small smile. "You and your precious reputation."

"You're gonna tell me what Sub Zero is really doing in Sindria." You ordered sternly as you pulled another knife that was hidden on you and held it at his side. "The more you talk the less it will hurt."

"Oh don't lie to me (Y/N)... You're gonna end up killing me after you get what you want to make sure I don't run off and tell boss... Unless you've gone soft?" His hood slid down revealing him to be the man you chatted with just an hour ago at the bar. 'He's already told Kartos that i'm here.'

"(Y/N)!!!" You turned your head to see Alibaba run around the corner. 'What the?!'

"Were you following me too?!" You questioned the blonde while making sure to keep a firm grip on the male in front of you.

"What are you doing?!" Alibaba ignored your question and ran up to you in a distressed manner.

"Don't come any closer or this man gets it." You let your long blade slice part of his neck to put more emphasis in your statement. "Walk away and pretend you didn't see anything."

"Wait! He was in the Fog troupe!" Alibaba pleaded while reaching out. "He was my comrade to once, if you let him go he might be able to be one again."

'You've got to be kidding me! This guy?!'

"So what are you gonna do (Y/N)?" The man before you whispered. "Let me live and tarnish your rep, or show that kid the monster you really are... You've killed a bunch of Fog troupe members before, this should be no different."

You gritted your teeth while glancing at the blonde who was a few feet back.

"(Y/N) don't!"

You the looked back at the male hesitantly who was waiting eagerly with a psychotic grin.

"Do it then, kill me."

"You asked for it." Time seemed to slow as you swiftly sliced his neck open, blood splattering on your face.


"Heh...You see..." He chuckled weakly as the blood drained from his neck."I'm not... A-Alone." The last word he said was gurgled in blood.

"I was wrong about you..." Alibaba looked at you in disbelief as his voice cracked. "You don't even care do you? You really are just some cold-blooded killer!"

You clicked your tongue in annoyance before turning your head sharply.

"What were you expecting?!" You yelled in return while releasing the man. "We have bigger things to worry about!-"

"LIKE WHAT?! The Fog troupe is all I have left of Kassim... And you've gone and destroyed part of it again!" Alibaba drew his dagger and immediately used the power of his djinn to change his small blade into a large black sword. He then started running in your direction.

"Blondie need to get out of here! More Zero members will be here any second!" You raised your sword activating the black glow around it and prepared for the impact. 'Ja'far where are you?!'

"Let them come." The blonde stated darkly as he swung his blade sloppily.

"I don't want to hurt you." You parried and ducked out of the way. 'That sword is too big for him.'

"You've proved otherwise." He then swung his blade defiantly throw the air and ran towards you again.

"If that's how you want it..."

Contracted Killer ( Ja'far X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now