{2} Bucky Barnes: Runaway

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Shauna's POV

I sat alone in my apartment watching the 6 o'clock news on the falling of Shield HQ and three large hellicarriers blowing up and crashing. It was actually crazy to watch. I knew the plan Pierce had but clearly it back fired.

I chewed on my nails a habit of mine when I'm nervous. Bucky was in on that mission.

Is he alive? Or what if he's dead?

I shook that idea off quickly. Of course he's not dead right?

Bucky or more commonly known as the Winter Soldier and I have been seeing one another for 2 years now. I'm a doctor in HYDRA who took care of Bucky when injured and sometimes fixing his arm. While being with him we kept it a secret. It would've been terrible if they knew and would get rid of me asap.

It was hard on me, and especially him when he had his memory wiped. But at the end of the day he always ended up remembering who I was. 2 years ago I snooped through HYDRA files and read what I could on Bucky hence finding out his name.

I just pray that he is alright.


It was 2 am and I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing about Bucky.

Suddenly there was a loud bang downstairs followed by glass breaking. I heard someone swear. Throwing the blankets off of me I grab the gun that was under my pillow and with caution exited my room.

I stayed silent on the top of the stairs to see if I heard anything else. After a minute I heard crunching of glass. Very quietly I made my way downstairs and down the hall.

With my gun raised I quickly turn the corner and pointed my gun at the intruder but as quickly as I raised it I lowered it.

"Bucky?" I asked incredulously.

"Yea it's me." He said. I flicked the light on and saw a broken vase on the floor and the window wide open. I looked at him and saw his non-metal hand bleeding. I sighed, setting the gun down on the table.

"For an assassin you sure can be clumsy." I commented. He rolled his eyes. "Well come on so I can clean that up." I stated walking away to the upstairs bathroom.


He sat on the sink as I stitched his hand up. He didn't even flinch as I did so.

"There all better." I stated setting down the needle and cutting the thread then placing my hands on my hips. Bucky hopped off.

"Thanks doll." He said pecking me on the cheek. I noticed he looked worried.

"What's the matter?" I asked him. He looked down at me.

"We need to leave. After tonight everything on Hydra will be blasted onto the internet. People were already being arrested. We need to be gone before they come here." He said urgently.

"Are you sure?" I asked as we rush to my room.

"Yes." Was all he said.

I packed light before we took off for the airport.


"I love you Bucky." I whispered leaning my head on his shoulder as we sat on the plane. He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too."


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