{1} Tony Stark : PTSD

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It was after the Battle of New York, you and your brother Tony went back home to California. New York really took it's tole on both you and your brother.

Tony always busied himself to distract him from sleeping and remembering what happened.In his eyes what happened in NY didn't phase you which he envied and hated you for.

But what he didn't know was it was troubling you too...


You woke up screaming from the nightmare you had. You were being surrounded by the chitari and they were attacking you and you were useless.

In New York you at one point were weaponless and too many Chitari came to where you were and therefore you were attacked. Hulk aided your side quick enough though to save you. Along with that you had dreams of your brother Tony falling from the sky and dying instead of waking up when he did that day.

So you tried avoiding sleep as well.


"You look awful Y/N." Rhodey commented.

"Geez thanks Rhodes. That's something every girl wants to hear." You say sarcastically.

"No I didn't mean it like that."He defended himself. You smirked before popping a fry in your mouth. "I meant..." He sighs. "I meant that you look like you haven't slept in days."

"I'm fine Rhodey." You told him before picking up your glass and bringing it up to your lips.

"Have you talked to Tony?" He asked. You shook your head, setting down the glass.

"I haven't spoken to him in 3 months. He's been dodging my calls and I didn't bother to show up at his place, if he wanted to see or speak to me he would've picked up the phone or at least called back." You told him.


You weren't paying attention when you were walking and walked right into a certain playboy. When you realized it was him you rolled your eyes.

"Hello brother." You said.

"You're the one who walked into me and you're giving me an attitude?" He scoffs.

"Maybe I wouldn't of had an attitude if my own brother hasn't been ignoring me when I needed him most1" You snapped before walking around him. You into your car and sped off.


You threw your keys into the bowl nearby the door. Walking further into your own mansion you wandered into the kitchen to brew yourself a cup of coffee. It was 8 at night and you were exhausted.

You were surprised when you heard a knock on the front door and it was your Tony.

"Tony?" You asked surprised.

"Hi." He said semi-awkwardly. Crossing your arms you leaned against the door frame.

"What do you want?" He cleared his throat.

"I uh wanted to say sorry. Rhodey gave me an ear full about you and I-I didn't know you were going through that Y/N." He said guiltily. You looked at him. Really looked at him. His eyes were close to blood-shot and had dark bags under his eyes.

"Like I said before maybe if weren't ignoring me you'd know." He sighed.

"I'm sorry. I was being an ass okay?" You smiled. Stepping forward you hugged him. He hugged you back.



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