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I walked in on Chelly in the bathroom. She was doing something with her eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" I wondered

"My eyebrows. Im shaving the parts i dont want. I have to be very careful though."

"Oh, okay."

*Weeks later..*

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I didnt like my eyebrows. I took a razor and tried shaping my eyebrows the way Chelly did. I put it up to my eyebrow hairs and tried pulling some off. I moved to close to my eyebrow and pulled. I looked at the razor. There were multiple hairs in it. My heart dropped. I looked at myself. "Im even ulgier now!" I thought to myself. I ran to my mom starting to cry.

"I shaved off my eyebrow." I cried to her "how do i fix it?!"

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! Thats really stupid! Dont ever do that again!!" She pulled me into her bathroom. She pulled out a brown pencil and drew on ny eyebrow. "There, dont ever do that again!"

I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. "I looks normal" i thought to myself. I went to my room. I had school tomorrow. I needed sleep. I laid on my bed, thinking. "Things are changing.... i know it!" I past out.

-Next day-


I turn over to my phone and turned off my alarm. I got up and put on jeans and a tee shirt. I walked out my room and into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My eyebrows was gone again! I ran to my mom.

"I need you to fix my eyebrow again!" I started whining

"No. Youre gonna go to school without it because you wanted to be stupid and shave your eyebrow."

I started crying

"You better stop crying.  Get out the door." She commanded

I put my bangs over my eyebrow and got to school. I started crying, looking down so no one would see. A big, chubby, pale, grey hair teacher then pulled me to the side.

"Whats wrong?" She asked

"I shaved off my eyebrow." I said with a sad face. Pulling my bangs out my face to show her.

"Oh, i can fix this. Come with me." She told me.

I walked with her to the front office. I sat in her office for a while. A long while. There were 3 other girls there. All looked so much older. They stared at mehh. The teacher than came in and asked mehh to come over to her. I got up and walked towards her. She took a brown pencil and drew my eyebrow in.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled

"Youre welcome." She handed me the pencil

I walked out her office with a smile. I was happy. I couldnt tell things were changing though.

That.. was when i was 13.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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