Steves neighbourhood is on the line between where the sun doesn't touch the ground and one that uses diamonds at cupcake toppings. It was one he has grew up in, the game house on the same street in the same bedroom with the same neighbours, one where everyone knew everyones business and the kids will grow up with one another until adult hood because no one ever seems to move. It's an atmosphere that Steve has witnessed lacks in other neighbours across the US. It's what Steve likes about his neighbour hood.

Getting out of the car, Steve thanks Natasha for picking him up and dropping him off, Natasha driving away with a beep of her horn. Steve finally turns to walk up the drive whenever Natasha safely leaves the street, fishing his keys out of his pocket and stepping into the house. The house is freezing, Steve giving a tight shiver as he enters and locks the door behind him, kicking off his trainers.

New York has always been cold, and winter weather is the worse. There's snow gracing the pavements and drive ways, on the roofs of houses and cars. Steve is use to the weather, but unfortunately so, the house is even colder than the weather outside with the heating busted and Sarah Rogers hasn't come round to phoning for someone to come and fix it.

Steve manages to strip out of his blood soaked clothing and into fresh and warmer clothing, throwing his clothes into the hamper and staggering his way tiredly to his bed. It's late now, just after 8 in the evening and although there's a dull ache for food rumbling in Steves stomach, by the time he wakes up he'll make some food. For now, sleep is enough.

It doesn't really surprise Steve whenever he finds Bucky already in his bed, curled up on his side and texting on his phone. It wasn't as if Bucky didn't have a key to the Rogers household, because he did, and it was for emergencies which were often ones like 'we've ran out of Doritos for our salsa dip' or 'Thor locked me out of Netflix again so I'm going to use yours' which Steve didn't mind.

"Your mum is so pissed off,"Bucky mumbles, not even looking up at Steve. He's curled under the sheets and has been since 3 in the afternoon, only moving to pee or to raid the Rogers fridge. Bucky is a handsome teen, with longing black hair that Steve almost begs for his best friend to cut and amazing steel blue eyes that seem to have every shade of blue and grey that is possible. At over 6 feet tall, Bucky is both someone to fear but yet the biggest softy with a passion for baking.

"How do you know?"Steve asks, already climbing into the double bed and scooting closer to his best friends warmth with a yawn. He doesn't question what Bucky is doing here this time, he has learned long ago to not question what Bucky does and to just go with the flow.

"Your ma' is texting mine and she's texting me, you've ruined the Christmas photo that she was gonna send to your gran."He informs. He finally locks his phone, prompting himself up on one elbow to look at the damage to Steve."Well, you do look like shit."

"Aw shucks, just when I thought you were going to compliment me."Steve rolls his eyes, leaning back into the pillows gently so not to hurt. The painkillers were starting to ware off, the pain in his ribs being too much for Steve to handle.

"Stevie, I've been your friend since you were in diapers and not once have I complimented you."Bucky can't help but to laugh.

"Always time for changes."

"Not today."Bucky shakes his head, resting his head back onto the pillow with a sigh. Steve closes his eyes, just wanting to sleep away the headache that is slowly starting to form and the pain in his rids and around his face. He doesn't regret being a good guy, but it doesn't alway have its perks when you're lying on your bed in pain.

He was kind of glad that now it's the Holidays and that he has 2 weeks to sleep and eat as much junk food as his stomach can desire. Although, of course, there's this essay he needs t write which he can do before going into the school but for now, he has time to sleep and eat and hang out with his dumbass friends.

There's a silence that passes between the two friends, one that Steve knows is due to Bucky falling asleep beside him, evident from the soft snores that leaves his friend and the way the teen as shuffled closer so they can share body heat. It gives Steve to think, mostly about Christmas which is normally a big affair between the group of friends and one that Steve normally finds himself spending with the Barnes due to his mum taking the Christmas shift.

His stomach twists in guilt whenever he thinks back to Tony, the teenager he had ran out on only because Steve was kind of disturbed by the blue ord that the tee anger sported in his chest. Steve didn't even stay long enough to see if his words and actions affected Tony, to see if the teenager was okay because it was clear that he wasn't, from the way he seemed upset whenever Steve was caught staring.

Steve wonders what Tony will be doing this Christmas, would he be spending it with his family and friends? Would he spending it alone in a hospital room stuck to a heart monitor? The scars that surrounded Tony's arms were self inflicted, Steve isn't an idiot and the way there was no evidence of any family or belongings in the hospital room made it clear that Tony has been alone all this time.

"Hey, Buck."

"Steve, fuck off. I'm trying to sleep."

"How much is a cheeseburger?"

"2 dollars, 4 if you're going to get me one."

Opinions please! (:



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