"This is not my time. Our time! I have family- friends there."

"Oh please, lassie," the man grunts, leaning against the table. "Ye had no friends. Scarcely spoke to your family."

My eyes bugger wide. "Who is this guy?"

"My husband, Knox Neilson."

The door opens then, revealing a paler Symon, who looks rather strange in his garments. I blink as he walks up beside me, nodding, an indication that he's ready to listen.

"Please, Greer, we have lives... This is wrong."

"Everyone has a destiny. Everyone has a purpose. We wouldn't have taken you from your life if it wasn't for a reason."

"What reason is it, then?" Symon says, quietly. Greer gestures to the seat.

"Ye may want to sit down, sir."


"I beg your pardon?" Symon bellows, rising from the chair in a rush. My heart has sunk into my stomach, Greer's news not what I was expecting at all. "Chatton?"

"Aye. Chief. Ye will be chiefton of Clan Chatton until yer dying day. 'Tis a great power, great obligation."

"This is ridiculous," he breathes, rubbing his chest fiercely. "I'm a news anchor. I'm a journalist. I don't know the first thing about Scotland's history! I don't know anything... Ma'am, you are mistaken!"

"Nay, we're not. And we shall teach ye what we ken. Everything possible. You shan't worry about the knowledge- ye will ken it well by the time you set course for home."

"Oh my God," I whisper, placing my hand over my lips contemplatively.

"I'm going to be sick," Symon gasps, heaving. He bounds on route for the door, disappearing into the darkness. I press my lips together, still not sure if I'm dreaming this. I'm still hoping for that- that this is a really elaborate dream.

"I ken well this is a shock to you," Greer says, taking her husbands hand. "This is a tradition in my family, ye ken? This is our purpose. Ma and Da did so when they lived and now, this is our task."

"You're saying there are many others who have traveled to another time?"

"Nay. Every generation has the task of this- once. Which is why it was strange, verra strange that you were also needed for the journey."

"Why am I needed? Do you know? This is his destiny, not mine."

"Ah, but 'tis yours also, honey."


"When I see ye, in visions, you're here."


"I dinna ken whether it is forever or not. Your future is not so clear as your man's."

"So, I'm basically along for the ride, is what you're saying?" I mutter sarcastically, exhaling loudly.

"All will be revealed in the not so distant future, lass," Knox whispers as Greer hands me a bowl of broth. I look down at it, taking the spoon from her hands without looking away from the leaves floating around in the soup.

I look up and she smiles. "Cabbage. Sorry, 'tis all we have at the moment. Money is scarce in these parts."

"How do I know you are not putting potions- poison, whatever- into this?"

"Ye don't," she hums, setting Symon's down on the table. "It's late... we should speak in the morn."

"Wait- you're leaving us here- alone? I thought this was your house?"

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