Day 7

107 9 13


I'm bored.

Funny how most pupils in this world would love to just lie down and do nothing, funny how I get to unwillingly do just that. How did I even end up like this? When Yoongi isn't here, I spend my days trying to come to a conclusion about the chain of events that led me to bed rested life support.

How is it that I remember everything except what happened to me. Today I realized that doctors are just quacks, how could they not know that I'm completely aware of my surroundings? Don't they have tests for this stuff?

Dont worry Yoongi, soon you'll be able to see him more than once a week.

Thank you nurse Soyun.

Yes! He's finally here.
I felt suffocated, drowning in your thoughts since morning is not very healthy. But then again, what's healthy about me these days?

Hey Jimin!

Even though my eyes are shut, I can almost see the smile on his face which instantly made my day better. It's moments like these were having a little hope is worth it.

So I got an A on my math final, I can't wait to get out of this hell hole, but I want to graduate with you.

Can't wait to get out of this hell hole as well, so ditto buddy.

I shouldn't be so selfish, I know you'd give anything to be back in Uni right now.

Of course he can read me, even when I'm comatose he would know my comebacks. All of a sudden I felt that sensation I've been longing since day one, his hand rested on my upper thigh as he spoke.

I know you'd give anything to be with me, so hang in there baby. Hang in there for me.

I couldn't be touched by his words because his hand was a little too close to my member. Yes, even if I am half dead I still want him like that, I wonder if I can get a boner? I'm sure he doesn't think anything of it though, I'm basically handicap.

Enough of the depressing shit, shall we change the subject?

Please do, If only I could roll my eyes, I would.

You know, even though you're on bed rest you're still extremely stunning.

Shut up I haven't had a shower in days, nobody does my fucking hair, and I'm probably wearing those despicable hospital gowns; more like trash bags.

Insert sassy Jimin here.

His chuckle resonated deep within and I almost felt as if just the vibrations of his laugh could bring me back to reality.

So remember that annoying kid that had a crush on me since high school?

Gu Chul? I can't stand that guy.

Well he said he wanted to come with me to visit you next week.

Oh hell no, nah nah, don't bring him here please!

I know you don't like him, and I didn't either but,

But? If only I can arch my fucking eyebrow right now.

He has been really helping me to not break down at the sound of your name. I know it seems like I'm A okay right now but I couldn't get out of bed for days, I would have hallucinations of you Jimin. Gu chul got me back on my feet, he's been a good friend and I know you would appreciate that.

I understand, I guess you're right.

Besides, if we were to switch roles I'm sure you would accept any kind of help to feel better.

No because I wouldn't want any 'help' to get over you. But I guess we're all different right?

Anyway, guess what!

Yoongi stayed for another couple hours, he told me about his job interview that he was getting ready for. It's his dream job to be a writer for the biggest spread in Korea, soon all over the world. He told me some lame jokes that made my insides hurt. Although I don't know if it's because I don't have the ability to laugh anymore, or if it's the fact that I just want to be with him.

When Yoongi left, my evening went back to being the dull sob story in hospital room four zero two, and I have to endure another week of it.

See you on the fourteenth my love.

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