Chapter Forteen) Is It All Done?

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I looked at Joey, he was also sobbing. I've never seen a guy cry so hard. I needed to get some fresh air, so I grabbed my mom's car keys and ran out the back door. I got to the drive way and jumped into the car. I began driving. I was planning to go somewhere far away. My heart was acing and my head was pounding. I hopped on the express way and drived straight not knowing where I was going. I thought back to the first day I met Joey. I thought about how he made me feel. Tears began rumbling down my face. The road started to get blurry. I didn't care I just kept crying. Now, it was to blurry to see anything. I knew that it was dangerous but I didn't give a fuck, my heart was in to much pain to pay attention to that. All the sudden all I could hear was a loud car horn come closer and closer. I felt my body flip over and an air bag push our busting my arm. The glass from the windows shattered all over me and cut me all over the place. I could hear people screaming, "A YOUNG GIRL GOT INTO A CAR CRASH! CALL THE POLICE," My leg bone was broken in half because of the harsh dent the other veical made in my moms car that left my foot stuck. I herd cop sirens come towards me. I felt a rescue team pull me out of the flipped car into a gurnie. Every time I blinked I saw my life flash in front of me. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't breathe. I was dying.

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