You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

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Emma and Rikki stood outside Will's boat shed, arms crossed tightly over their chests.

"Think he's in there?" Emma asked worriedly.

"Well he's not at his place, and his motorcycle is in Will's driveway." Rikki pointed out. "Come on, we might as well find out."

"Right." Emma said as she walked up to the front steps determinedly. Rikki was terrified that Nash may not be inside. If he wasn't, she didn't know what else she could do to find him.

Rikki twisted the knob. The girls rarely knocked when they came to visit. "It's locked." She said nervously.

Rikki marched up the steps and knocked loudly at the door. "Will!" She shouted. "It's Rikki and Emma, let us in!" She waited for a few seconds, pressing her ear against the door. Her eyes shot open. "There are people in there!" She hissed at Emma. "I can hear them! WILL!" Rikki pounded again on the door. "We're both worried about Nash. Let us in now or I swear we'll-"

The door suddenly swung open, startling both Rikki and Emma.

Will quickly closed the door, reopening it only a few inches. He seemed worried and preoccupied, constantly turning his head to look behind him. He finally faced Rikki and Emma.

"Yes?" He said briskly. "What do you want?"

"We're looking for Nash." Emma stood on her tiptoes, craning her neck to see past Will.

"He can't come to the door right now." Will said distractedly. "But I'll tell him you came by." He tried to push the door shut but Rikki was too quick.

Rikki caught the door with her foot before it could shut. "Where is Nash, Will?" Rikki demanded. "Did you lock him up or something?"

"What? No, don't be silly." Will sounded more than a little annoyed.

"Then let us see him." Emma pushed.

"No!" Will practically shouted. He quickly regained his composure. "I mean, not now." He managed a strained smile. "He'll call you guys soon." With that, he slammed the door right in their faces.

The girls heard the lock click sharply into place. The exchanged quick glances of disbelief with one another before beginning to shout. "Nash!" They both knocked loudly at the door, shouting at the top of their lungs, but got no answer. No Nash. Not even Will.

Rikki's phone bleeped loudly. She flipped it open quickly and read the text message that had come through. "I don't believe it." She said bitterly. "It's from Nash. 'Hey Rikki, sorry I've been out of touch. Everything's fine, see you soon.'" Rikki looked at Emma with her mouth hanging open. "That's all it says. Wow, he could at least waited for us to walk away." She muttered. Her shoulders slumped forward as she began trudging towards the road.

"What? You're going to let him get away with that?" Emma said in disbelief. "No, we'll knock and shout and wait until he shows his face." Emma clenched her fists and marched back up the steps.

"Emma, no." Rikki called to her. "Just stop." She sighed. "Nash knows how to get in touch with us. He knows where I am. If he wanted to see me he would see me." She shrugged sadly and began to walk away.

Emma reluctantly followed her friend, shooting a last withering look at the boat shed before departing.

"They're leaving." Nash said unhappily as he peaked out the window.

"Good!" Will jerked the curtain out of his hand and tied it tightly closed. "You can't have them here right now. I mean, what if they spilled water on you... or what if you flew to the ceiling or something?"

H2O: Just Add Water | Season 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें