I'm Falling

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"So you actually shoved a hot dog into that man's pants?" Rikki said, almost choking on her drink.

"Yep. That's basically how I got arrested. Although he should've got in troubles too! What kind of world we live in where people can push other people in supermarket lines?!" Nash said sarcastically.

"The real one." Rikki said, as she took a straw and pushed it down her water bottle. "You are, straight up, the craziest person I ever met."

"You call it crazy, I say zero fucks are given." Nash tried to act cool which made Rikki laugh. "But I'm sure you had some interesting adventures in life as well."

Of course I did. The past three years of my life were incredible, nothing like no person ever experienced. But I obviously can't tell him That. Rikki thought to herself. "No... Not really," She smiled awkwardly as she tried to change the subject.

"I'm sorry if I judged you the other day. It takes time for me to trust a person." She said, feeling a bit uncomfortable revealing herself to him.

"Nah, that's cool. But if you ever change your mind about the band, just give me a call baby." He sarcastically said and winked at her.

Rikki laughed, and so was he, until Nash got a text and checked his phone.

"Something wrong?" Rikki said, trying not to let the conversation fade away back into awkwardness.

"Yeah," He took a moment before he kept talking. "Yeah, it's nothing, never mind that. Just Will." He tried to smile, though she could tell it was pretty fake.

"What's going on?" Rikki said as she put down her pizza crust, since she never ate those.

"He had a fight with Bella... Hope they're alright."

"Oh I'm sure everything's gonna fine." Sure Rikki wanted to go help her friend, yet she was so mystified by the situation, by him. It's been a long time since she felt this way for a guy. It reminded her of Zane, and although she tried to forget him, she was afraid her mind is using Nash to fill in the hole Zane left in her. As the time passed Rikki could tell she's missing him more and more, though she'd never admit it to herself.

"But... If it's gonna make YOU feel better, we can go check on 'em." Rikki said, trying to cheer him, and herself, up.


It was around 10 when Bella walked in the apartment. She sat on the chair in the girls' living room, not letting out any sound.

Cleo was sitting the couch, as she was watching an episode of Game of Thrones. She paused the episdoe and turned to Bella. "Bella, where have you been? Is everything okay?"

"Will and I had a fight."

"Again? It's the third time this week!" Cleo said worried.

"Well this time I can't take it anymore. I'm done being second choice."

"I know exactly what would cheer you up." Cleo said and got off the couch excited, as she walked into their kitchen.

She came back a few minutes later with a bowl of choclate-cherry ice cream, Bella's favorites.

"Thanks." Bella said with half a smile, as she took the bowl and started licking the spoon.

"Now, tell me what did he do this time."

"He's just so ruthless. He keeps blowing me off and once his friend have some other plans then suddenly I'm the one he wants. I have no time to be second choice."

"C'mon Bella, you know he ain't doing it on purpose."

"Yeah, but... Still, it hurts." Bella placed the bowl of ice cream on the coffee table, and sighed to herself. "I'm just... I'm not used to deal with these kind of things. I always trust people so much, and I'm not used to being let down."


"That's us." Rikki said as they both stopped infront of the girls' house.

"So you all live here together?" Nash asked, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Yep. Me, Cleo and Bella." Rikki nodded awkwardly, hoping this talk would end quickly and she could be left alone with her thoughts. She needed to figure out what she feels about tonight.

"And Emma...?"

"She just came back from a world trip." Rikki said impatiently.

"Right." He said, trying to think about a way to end it right. "I had a great time today."

"So do I." Rikki said, a bit melting away from her toughness.

"Really?" He asked, a bit surprised, and she nodded.

"Well then..." He laid his right hand on her cheek, as he got slowly closer and closer to her lips.

With their lips being just a few inches away, she backed off. "I really has to get going." She said as she walked the pathway to ther door, trying not to sound as embarrassed as she was. "See you tomorrow?" She quickly said before entering the door without waiting for an answer.

He was left standing there, wasn't sure of what happened.


"Where have you been?" Cleo asked the second Rikki walked the door. Bella turned her head too to look at Rikki, yet she remained quiet.

"Oh, you know. Just out and about." Rikki said trying to avoid the conversation and heading to her bed.

"We know you've been with Nash, Rikki." Cleo said right before Rikki took the first step to the second floor.

"Yeah... So?" Rikki said, really not wanting to be part of this right now.

"He saw you!" Cleo got up off the couch and walked up to Rikki.

"He did not see a thing! I was careful!" Rikki exclaimed.

"You gotta end whatever started there, Rikki. Too many people know about us. You said it yourself!" Cleo tried to be reasonable, but only ended up yelling at her.

"Fine, I'd stop talking to him from tomorrow on. I just tried to be nicer to people." Rikki said angry, walking up to the stairs again.

"Choose wisely the people you're nice to, Rikki. We don't wanna end up as-"

"I know, I know!" Rikki cut her off mockingly, and she climbed up to the second floor.

"Let's just hope it'll end up here before it gets even worse." Bella said, trying to ease Cleo's worried face, but with no success.

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