New Occurrences

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"Everyone made it through all right?" Rikki wandered sleepily into the kitchen, where Cleo and Bella were already sitting at the kitchen table.

"Sure did." Bella stood to refill her glass with orange juice. "Just another uneventful full moon."

"Good," Rikki said firmly. "I'll be thrilled if we never have full moon trouble ever again."

"So will I." Cleo agreed. "I'm glad those days are behind us."

"Me too." Bella sat back down at the table. "You working at the cafe today?"

"Yup." Rikki nodded. "And aren't you as well? I thought the band had a rehearsal scheduled?"

"Oh yes, I'll be over in a couple hours," Bella said easily. "Nate has a new song he wants us to rehearse."

"Well, then I'll see you there!" Rikki grabbed an apple before breezing out the door.

"I'm out too." Bella quickly checked her makeup. "I promised Will I'd stop by his training session this morning. He'll need a break from Sophie."

"See you later." Cleo called lazily, flipping through a fashion magazine.

Cleo was pretty free for the day since she wasn't working at the marine park today.

Only a couple of minutes after Bella left Cleo heard a knock on the door.

"It's your house you don't have to kno-" Cleo said while she opened the door. "Emma...?"

"Cleo!" Emma said and hugged shocked Cleo.

"Emma! You're back!"

"Damn right!"


"Oops, excuse me." Will apologized after walking into a guy walking down the sidewalk. He couldn't seem to concentrate on what he was doing.

"Hey Will. You're here awfully early." Bob, who managed the training pool, looked up as Will pushed the front door open. "You're my first swimmer of the day. Training this morning?"

"Just like every morning." Will said unenthusiastically, trudging his way to the locker room. He quickly changed his clothes and pulled on his swim trunks. Stretching his arms up over his head, he stepped into the locker room shower and twisted the water nozzle. He closed his eyes and let his head drop back for just a second as the water cascaded down onto his skin. After just a quick rinse he twisted off the knob and stepped out of the shower, reaching for his towel.

"Hey, aren't you the one who bumped me earlier?" A voice from behind him said. Will turned around to see a guy, about 17 years old, standing with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I'm Nash." The guy smiled and untied his towel, leaving him in tight boxers.

"Will." Will nodded at him.

Nash got into one of the shower cells and twisted the water nozzle.

"So," Nash said while washing his hair. "Do you come here often?"

"Are you flirting with me?" Will was confused.

"Nah man I'm just trying to make some friends, I'm new here." Nash said and got out of the shower.

He opened his red bag and pulled green swim trunks.

For some reason, Will couldn't take his eyes off of the boy's body. He wasn't as fit as Will, though he couldn't stop looking at his curves.

'What am I doing!? I'm with Bella!' Will thought to himself.

Will always knew he was a bisexual, and though he never talked about it, he had a feeling the girls knew. He was just glad they didn't really care about it.

"Will? Hello? Are you there?" Will blinked and saw Nash waving his hand in front of his face.

"Everything alright?" Nash asked.

"Couldn't be better. Are you coming?" Will walked through the locker room's door without waiting for an answer.


"I won this time. Just admit it." Nash said as he laid his weight on the pool edge.

"Okay, okay. But I'll beat you next time for sure!" Will smiled.

"Sure you will. But let's take a break," Nash pulled himself out of the water. "I could really use a drink right now. Soda?"

"Sure," Will said as he sat on the edge of the pull with his legs in the water.

"Will!" He turned to see Bella running into the pool's area.

"Hi Bells, what are you doing here?"

"I promised I'll be here to help you practice, remember?" She said.

"Oh right! Sorry about that, I kinda found a training buddy by myself." Will pointed with his head behind Bella.

Bella turned around to find a wet tall guy with two soda cans in his left hand.

"Bella, this is Nash," Will introduced them to each other. "Nash, that's my girlfriend, Bella." Bella smiled kindly at him, although she had a bad feeling about this guy. There was just something about him that she didn't really like.

"Nice to meet you." Nash offered his hand forward her.

Bella wanted to be polite, she really did, but she couldn't risk herself and the girls by shaking his wet hand.

"No? okay." Nash laughed nervously in order to ease the embarrassment. "Here's your soda, man." Nash sent his hand forward Will, touching Bella's shoulder with his wet arm.

Both Will and Bella noticed it just in time.

"Run to the locker room. Fast!" Will said and Bella ran to the building on her left side.

"Everything's alright?" Nash asked confused.

"All good. Nice meeting you. Bye." Will said and with that disappeared into the girls' showers.


"...So this is my bedroom right here." Cleo toured Emma in the girls' new apartment. "And right above us, on the second floor, we have Rikki's and Bella's bedrooms."

"Bella?" Emma was confused.

"Oh, I'm such a dummy. Bella is our new member of the group. She is a mermaid too!" Cleo was pretty excited.

"You replaced me?" Emma was hurt. She never thought her best friends would find someone better than her while she was gone.

"No! No, of course not!" Cleo said. "Well, maybe a little... But now that you're back we can all be together now!"

"We are three. We always were three. Remember what happened when we tried adding Charlotte to the group?" Emma was furious.

"Bella is nothing like Charlotte, Emma!" Cleo was frustrated that things didn't go as she had hoped.

"Anyone else I need to know about?" Emma crossed her arms.

"Well, there's Will..."

"You're unbelievable!" Emma said and she walked through the main door.

"Emma wait!" Cleo walked after her.

"I'm going to talk to Rikki. Do you know where she is?" Emma said coldly.

"She's at the café- I mean JuiceNet." Cleo didn't want to give her more bad news.

"Well, I'm going there right now."

H2O: Just Add Water | Season 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें