Chapter 13

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Aditya's pov:

Hello, dad! What happened? I asked.

Aditya you should come to India immediately, he said sternly.

But dad , why? I asked him worriedly.

We are having a hard time here, business stuff.Let's discuss the matter when you come here.

Yeah dad. I will be there.

As I hung up the call, I was so confused . I want to know what exactly went wrong. And when I think about whom to ask, only Aditi could tell me . No ways , I'm not going to call her.

Hey, what's the matter? asked vishal.

I have to go to home. Dad said it is really important, so I should go tomorrow.

Well, okay. As your work completed, you can go .

Thanks man. Got to go...


Here I was, in the airport. I have reached my city.

I took my luggage in a taxi.

Within an hour , I reached home.

Mom came running to me and hugged me.

Mom , I missed you so much.

Me too , beta. Go talk to your dad, she said with a sad face.

I went upstairs and saw that dad is busy with his files.

Dad, What's going on?

Aditya , first go and fresh up . We will talk later, he said.

No dad. Why are you so dissappointed. Tell me!

I did a terrible mistake . Our shares got down. We are in debts.

Oh dad! I'm so sorry. How much are the debts?

No ... Now we are okay.


Mishra uncle, helped us. We are out of debts. But, I feel terribly guilty.

No dad. It happens. Please don't feel guilty. We can get back again.

No aditya, it's just Mishra uncle...

Dad! You both are like best best friends. This wouldn't bother your friendship with him.

Yeah, I know. I don't want anything that ruins our friendship.

I know dad. I can understand. Don't worry.

Thanks for coming beta. I just wanted you here.

It's okay dad.

Now go and eat something, he said smiling .

After freshening up, I ate lunch.

So how many days are you being here? asked mom.

Just two weeks. Why?

Aditya I think your dad wants you to take over our business here. So think about it?

But mom, my job. It's really great. How can I leave that? Those chances will come rare. I don't want to resign!

Aditya just think. However you should be taking care of all these businesses stuff later on, why can't it be now?

Mom, I will think about it.


I got into the car to meet my friends in Harshad's home.

On my way, While I was in traffic I saw that Aaryan and Aditi near the mall. They are talking , no laughing. Wow, Aditi seems really happy!!

After reaching Harshad's home, we discussed on many things. It's already evening now.

Although I was happy , there is something bothering me. "It's just seeing Aditi happy..... with him".

Harshad, did she asked about me? I asked very casually.

He looked shocked for sometime.

Why? Why are looking at me like that .

Well , I am pretty shocked. You never have asked me about her, but it was her who used to ask me about you !! So,here I am little bit surprised.

You haven't told me the answer yet?

What do you think Aditya? Ofcourse , she asked me about you!

"Hmm, and this made me happier".

I drove to her house, to thank uncle personally.

Hi Aditya beta , when did you came? Mishra uncle said smiling.

Just today. Thanks a lot for what you did uncle. You helped us a lot.

Don't thank me. Don't ever.

I got it, I raised my hands in air.

So how's your job in Newyork?

Great. I'm really enjoying it.

Meanwhile aunty came and served some snacks and coffee.

I stood up and touched her feet.

We' re so proud of you beta. Wait , you became so lean. Are you not eating properly?

No aunty,I'm just fine.

Did she know I'm coming. Probably not. But why isn't she coming from her room.

Aunty, Is Aditi in her room? I asked looking towards her room which is closed.

No beta, she went shopping with Aaryan for marriage!! They told you right?

What!! Which marriage? Is she getting married to him? How.... how can you aditi? I was shocked, surprised and I'm angry on her!!


Thanks for reading. Have a great day!!❤❤💖

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