Chapter 10

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Aaryan's pov:

Mom how many times I have to tell you, I don't want to marry that girl.

"She will be perfect for you", beta.

"How can you say that she will be perfect for me"? We barely knew each other.

What is with you Aaryan! Haven't you still forget her. After all those things she did to you?

Mom, please don't bring  Nidhi in the middle of this .

Oh there you are. You haven't got over her . Move on,Aaryan. She doesn't deserve you. She had broken your heart, remember! It's so hard for me to see you being upset for all two years. I just want you to be happy.

Mom, Alright. I need sometime. Well, I think aditi too should know about my past. I'll talk to her.

Then it's okay Aaryan. But don't make any wrong desicion this time, she sounded upset.

Yeah mom.


I can't forget her.

Mom is being so upset about me.

I'm on my way to Aditi's college. I just want to talk about this stupid stuff. Thank god, that she wasn't ready for this marriage.

Otherwise it would be so difficult for me.

I saw her outside her college, waiting in the bus stop.

I took my car and went near her.

"Hi, what are you doing here"? She asked.

We have to talk!! 

What we should talk! There's nothing to talk. Isn't it? She said   with a question mark look on her face.

Oh please, be serious.  Come with me....

Where ?

Mm...hmm, remember this cafe I asked pointing my finger to the cafe opposite to the road .

Oh this one, the cafe when we met first! She sighed.

Yeah! Let's go there.

We both sat in the cafe.

What do you want to say?

I haven't able to convince my mom. She was so serious about this thing. So I just managed by telling her that we both need some time to get to know about each other.

"Holy crap"!! She sighed heavily.

I know! After  a week or two , we will tell them that we weren't meant to be together.

Why ! Can't we just say now? She asked with frustration.

We shouldn't make this in a rush. Wait for the right moment.

Whatever, see you have to take care of it. Your mom and mine are besties, because of this they shouldn't be losing their friendship.

Yeah I get it.

Okay then, that's it. I'm going. Bye.... 

I haven't told her about nidhi. Coz she don't have to know about it.

Part of me was always thinking about nidhi, all the time.

But I can't forget what she did to me. She ditched me.

"How can she do that"? I sighed.

Mom was correct. I should move on.


Aditi's pov:

As I went to home, mom was speaking to someone over the phone.

I went to kitchen and took one apple.

I think mom is talking to Meera aunty ( Aaryan's mom).

After a while she hung up the call and came near to me.

"Aditi, we have so much work to do"!! She said excitingly.

Mom, calmdown "What is happening"?

Tomorrow is diwali . So I invited Aaryan's family for dinner. God, I have to prepare many dishes tomorrow. What should I prepare for them?

"Mom seriously"! Why are doing this? Why did you invited them? I was irritated.

Aditi, don't speak like that. They helped your father a lot. And Meera aunty! She is close friend of mine.

"So what ma"!! I sighed.

Tomorrow when they come, behave properly. Be good with them.

Okay, if you say so.

I should ask Geetha for help, I will ask her to come early .

"Wait... geetha aunty is also coming"? I asked.

Ofcourse, we often have dinner with them on occasions.

What the hell, tomorrow is going to be really awkward for me. God , please save me!!


So both of them loved someone. But both are failures. What do you think about their future? Will Aaryan marry Aditi by compulsion of their parents or they will cross their paths!!

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