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"Do you think that it's weird that Michael asked me if i wanted to get dinner with him?"

Calum and Ashton were walking out of the studio to the elevators. The lilac haired producer had finally gathered enough balls to ask Calum on a date, but the curly haired man had no idea that what he was asked was for a date.

"I mean, why didn't he ask you too? Aren't we supposed to be like, the three amigos?" Calum said confusedly. Ashton shook his head at the oblivious man. The elevator doors dinged opened and suddenly Ashton was on the floor with a body on top of his and files flying around everywhere.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." An unfamiliar deep voice said hurriedly. The weight on top of Ashton's body quickly disappeared. Ashton looked up to see a large hand being held in front of him. He glanced at the owner of the hand. Ashton recognized the man as one of the other interns. Max or Mark or something along those lines. He had dark brown wavy hair swept messily across his forehead, dark brown eyes behind round eyeglasses and an apologetic smile. Ashton gladly grabbed his hand and hoisted himself up. "Um, Ashton, right?" The brunet nodded.

"You're, um--"

"Matt." The wavy haired brunet smiled a contagious smile. He started to pick up the files he had dropped when he collided into Ashton.

"Yeah, right, Matt. I'm sorry." Ashton apologized and started to help pick up the files. The glasses clad man shrugged in response.

"It's fine. I pretty much only know your name because Mr. Hemmings chose you and your partner for that demo thing." he explained. "Well, I gotta get going. I'll see you around, yeah?" And before Ashton could reply, the glasses clad man was off running down the hall with multiple files tucked under his arm. He watched the man run off before he heard a low whistle come from behind him. He snapped his head to see a smirking Calum.

"Damn, he's hot." The raven haired man nodded and stepped into the elevator. Ashton scoffed. Sure, he was cute with his wavy brown hair a brown doe eyes but-- who was he kidding? Matt was the definition of sexy. "I'm sure you could rile Luke up by tapping mr. sexy's fine ass over there."

"Shut up. Mr. Hemmings is a married man." Ashton grumbled, stepping into the elevator next to the raven haired man.

"Whatever. Now anyways, back to me. You never answered if it was weird or not that Michael asked to get dinner with me!"

After Ashton finished his work, he had his heart set on going straight home, catching up on a few episodes of Bob's Burgers on Netflix while eating the left over pasta in his fridge, and then calling it a night.

"Hey! Ashton!" He heard the familiar deep voice that crashed into him a few hours ago. He quickly turned around to see Matt quickly walking towards him.

"Yeah?" Ashton asked confusedly. What could mr. sexy possibly want from him?

"I wanted to ask to buy you dinner." Matt said but not before quickly adding "to make up for crashing onto you."

"Oh you don't have to. It's totally fine." Ashton waved his hands.

"I know. But I want to." Matt looked at him through the round frames of his glasses and gave him a small grin. Ashton paused. Sexy boy wanted to buy him dinner. What the fuck. Ashton quickly shook himself out of whatever trance he was in and then laughed awkwardly. Matt started to laugh awkwardly along with him.

"Why are we laughing?" Matt asked in between chuckles.

"I don't know I'm nervous." Ashton said back, stopping his awkward laughter.

"I make you nervous?" Matt asked slyly, a small smirk playing its way onto his lips. Ashton looked down. Attractive boys always make him nervous.

"Lulu, let's have dinner at that new French place down the block." Ashton heard Lia's shrill voice and clicking heels along with Luke's boots walking towards them. He widened his eyes.

"I would love to have dinner with you." Ashton said quite loudly. Matt looked at him weirdly before nodding his head.

"Alright, great. We can walk up the block to that good Italian place." Matt said and Ashton nodded enthusiastically, quickly taking a glade over Matt's shoulder to see Luke listening to Lia talk about something. He sighed to himself. The blond probably didn't even care that he was going out with another guy. He took one more look at the blond before following Matt to head to the restaurant.

Luke paused when he heard Ashton saying that he would love to go to dinner with some other guy. Some guy who wasn't him. He clenched his jaw and he pretended to listen to bitch ass Lia while he was actually trying to eavesdrop into Ashton's plans with the other intern. After Ashton and the other intern left, Luke quickly looked at Lia who was busy talking about the cool new French place down the block.

"I'm actually craving Italian." Luke cut her off. She complained but Luke wasn't having any of it as he dragged her to his car and drove the one minute it took to get to the Italian restaurant. Was Luke being a but creepy? Yes. But who could blame him? His princess was eating dinner with another man.

Ayyyy here's chapter 14. Matt is just an excuse for jealous!luke bc i am the #1 jealous!luke stan. Sorry if things arent capitalized or correct. I'm currently in Anaheim right now on a family trip to disneyland and my parents wouldnt let me bring my laptop so i typed this on my phone. Also Matt is played by Mikey Murphy AKA my youtuber crush. so there's that. hope you liked this chapter and dont forget to vote it up and leave comments! much love to you all!!
-jessica xx

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