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Ashton paced back and forth in his living room, immediately regretting saying yes to going out with Luke. He checked the clock. 8:10pm. Luke was late. He kept pacing in his living room and double checking the clock and his outfit. He wasn't sure why he was getting so anxious, he didn't even want to go out with Luke in the first place, so it shouldn't matter. This would be their first and only date. He froze when he heard the doorbell ring before snapping his head towards the door and seeing the familiar outline of the blond man through the glass panel. He let out a shaky breath before straightening his black button up out and brushing the non-existent lint off his black skinny jeans and headed towards the door. When he opened it, Luke was leaning against the doorframe checking his phone. The blond looked up from his phone and quickly put it in his pocket and stood up straight, flashing Ashton a charming smile.

"You look great." Luke made no effort to subtly check Ashton out. The brunet just rolled his eyes.

"Where we headed to tonight, Mr. Hemmings?" Ashton asked, shutting his door behind him and locking it. Luke sighed dramatically.

"We're not even at work and you still refuse to call me by my first name?" Luke pouted causing Ashton to let out a soft giggle. "Just for that, I'm not telling you."

"Sorry, it's a habit." Ashton apologized although he wasn't really sorry. Luke said nothing and grabbed the brunet's hand causing Ashton to gasp in surprise. The blond lead him to his brand new black car and Ashton gaped at it.

"This is your car?" Ashton asked, too scared to even touch it and get his oily finger print on its shiny paint. Luke chuckled before opening the door for him and motioned for him to get in. Ashton inhaled the new car scent and marveled at the leather interior before seeing Luke climb into the driver's side and slam his door shut. When he started the car, Blink-182 blasted from the speakers and Ashton wanted to cry because not only was his boss good looking, rich, and nice, but he also had great music taste which was the cherry on top for him. He shook his head from his thoughts, reminding himself that after this first and last date, he wouldn't have to be bothered by Luke again. The two sat in comfortable silence with nothing but Blink-182 filling the air.

When Ashton saw that Luke had parked the car, he looked up from his phone to see that they were right in front of one of the most expensive restaurants in Sydney and widened his eyes.

"Uh, Mr. Hemmings, are you sure we're at the right place?" Ashton asked, shooting Luke a wary glance. The blond smiled at the brunet before getting out of the car and rushing to Ashton's side to open the door for him.

"Ash, It's Luke." The blond insisted when Ashton stepped out of the car in front of him.

"Well, Luke are you sure we're at the right place? This restaurant is sort of—"

"Cheesy?" Luke interrupted with a worried expression "If you don't want to eat here, we could totally go somewhere else." Ashton's heart immediately fluttered at how considerate his boss was.

"No! It's just—expensive." Ashton finally let out. He knew that one dish here probably cost more than all the clothes he had on his body. Luke looked at him like he was crazy.

"Don't worry about that, princess." Luke smirked causing Ashton's cheeks to heat up. The brunet shook his head before grabbing Luke's arm that he held out for him and made their way into the restaurant.

When the two had been seated, the first thing Ashton had noticed was how isolated they were from the rest of the customers. When they were brought the menus, the brunet didn't even want to look at the rest of the choices once he saw how much a fucking salad cost. Luke seemed to notice Ashton's uncomfortable state before saying "You can pick anything you want, Ash. Don't worry about it."

Ashton nodded uncertainly before he finally just thought 'fuck it' he was getting a free meal in the best restaurant in Sydney with one of the most gorgeous men he has ever known. Might as well make the best out of it.

After the two got their meals, they began to talk about random things that came to mind.

"You know that Hood guy? What's his name—Calvin?"Luke asked, taking a sip of his drink. Ashton nodded.

"You mean Calum?"

"Yeah! Him. Do you know what his thoughts on Michael are?" Ashton raised his brow.

"Not really, why?"

"It seems that he's starting to gain feelings toward Hood. He's my best friend. I wanna know everything I can to help him." Luke said softly. Ashton smiled at the blond. He was a very caring person, and that certainly did not help to get rid of the feelings Ashton was starting to gain towards him. Not at all.

"Well, I can ask him tomorrow, if you want." Ashton told Luke and the blond smiled back at him.

"Could you? I just don't want to see Michael get hurt." Luke said and Ashton nodded.

After they finished eating, Luke graciously paid the check which Ashton made zero to no effort fighting for and headed to Luke's car. While Luke was driving Ashton home, they listened to All Time Low and talked about their favorite bands. What more could Ashton ever want in life? When they finally made it to Ashton's house, Luke opened the door for the brunet and Ashton stepped out, mumbling a soft 'thanks'. Luke walked Ashton up to his front door and when they got to it, the brunet faced the slightly taller man with a small smile on his face.

"I actually had a bit of fun tonight." Ashton confessed, his cheeks slightly glowing. Luke chuckled, poking the brunet on the nose softly.

"I did too, princess." He says, biting his lip and giving the brunet a smirk. "Does that mean we could do this again?"

Ashton stared at the blond's lips and the way that he bit it lightly as probably an innocent habit, but it just look so damn attractive that--

"Do you wanna come in?" Ashton asks, ripping his eyes off of the blond's lips to his blue eyes that widened in shock from the sudden outburst.

"I-- what?" Luke asked, surprised from the brunet's bold question. Ashton widened his eyes, immediately regretting that he ever asked.

"I mean, you don't have to. I know you're a busy guy, Mr. Hemmings. You can go home now--"

"It's Luke." The blond cut him off "And I'd love to go inside."

Ashton nodded, punching himself on throat in his mind before turning around and unlocking his door, reluctantly ushering Luke to step inside. He stepped in right after the blond and prayed that this night would end well.

Hi everyone here is chapter 4, i hope you all are having a great summer because mine is ending in 22 days. Tomorrow also marks my 1 year since rowyso and i'm going to spend the rest of tonight and tomorrow night simpin because i miss them so much lmao. ANYWAYS i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, i'll probably have the next one done later tonight or tomorrow, dunno yet lol. Don't forget to leave comments and vote this up!!! Much love to you all!!
-jessica xx  

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