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From: lia bitcherson

If you tell anyone about our talk and 'my threat' I wont hesitate to go through with it if I find out

Luke looked at the text and sighed frustratedly. He shoved his phone in his pocket before walking out of his office to make his way toward the kitchen. Bitch could use a chocolate milk right about now. As he was making his way up the stairs, his arm was suddenly grabbed and he was pulled down a hallway. After he shook the initial shock from being yanked, he realized the he was being pulled into an empty studio by Ashton.

"Woah-- princess, what are you--" He was immediately shut up by a pair of lips covering his own. He felt his body being pressed against the wall by the brunet's slightly smaller one before he lightly pushed him off. "Ash, calm down."

"Come on Luke, I'm on break and we haven't done this in like two days." Ashton began to unbuckle the blond's belt. Luke let out a shaky sigh, trying to figure out if he should just let Ashton continue or stop him immediately. After a very hard decision, he decided to do what was right and grab Ashton's hands in his own preventing him from unbuttoning his jeans. Ashton looked at him with a confused expression. "Why are you making me stop?"

Luke groaned internally. Ashton never initiated anything. Of course the day where he had to end things is the day that Ashton finally initiated starting something first. Of fuckin course. After his mini rant session to God in his head, Luke finally looked back at the brunet who still wore a confused expression on his face. He felt Ashton's soft hands against his own and saw how his beautiful hazel eyes glowed in dimly lit studio and the way his honey coloured curls fell perfectly over his forehead, but still slightly messy from the small make out session he tried to have. Luke swallowed his saliva. This was going to be a lot harder than he thought. Luke looked back down. He couldn't look Ashton in the eyes and tell him what he had to say.

"I don't think we should continue this." Luke finally said.

"Continue what? Do you mean we should do this later because we totally can do this later." Ashton said with a confused tone. Luke shook his head.

"Continue us." The blond let out, his blue eyes continuing to stare at their feet. He felt Ashton rip his hands out of his grip. "Because it's not any good for my reputation that I'm seeing one of my interns. And I don't think that you going out with your boss is any good for yours either."

"O-oh." Ashton let out a shaky breath "Yeah, sure okay." He heard the brunet's hurt tone. He looked up to see Ashton looking everywhere except him.

"I mean we can still hang out and be friends and stuff." Luke mentioned. He saw Ashton nod.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Ashton said softly. He didn't know why he was so surprised that Luke ended it. Luke was this rich head of this huge, famous record label and well, he was just an intern. Ashton sighed before putting a fake smile on his face and looking back up at Luke. "Well, I'll just go grab lunch with Cal and Michael then. I'll see you around." And before Luke could say anything else, the brunet quickly left the studio leaving Luke still leaning against the wall with a frown on his face.

When Ashton made his way back into Michael and Mali's studio, they were all watching TV on the small flatscreen against the wall and eating pizza. They all turned to face Ashton and noticed the distressed expression on his face.

"Ash, are you okay?" Calum asked in a concerned voice. Ashton looked to see that they all had a worried expression on their faces. Before Ashton could lie and say that he was fine, the TV interrupted him.

"And we're back with Lia Petterson!" the host announced for one of those bullshitted fake interviews. They all directed their attention to the screen. "She's here with some exciting news that we've all been dying to hear." She walked out from behind the stage in all her tall and blond glory and cheers from the audience was heard. She sat down on the seat next to the interview and smiled. Ashton rolled his eyes. Fake bitch.

"So, Lia, what is your exciting news that you wanted to tell us?" The interviewer asked with fake enthusiasm.

"Well I just wanted to announce that Luke Hemmings and I are actually a married couple!" She held out her left hand that had a large diamond ring on her ring finger. The camera zoomed into the ring and Ashton's heart stopped. Everyone in the room was frozen in shock.

"What a surprise indeed! How long have y-"

Michael turned the TV off. They all looked back at Ashton who was still frozen in place. Luke lied to him. The reason that he broke things off with his was because he got back together with Lia. Luke lied to him. He didn't know why he was so shocked. Of course he got back together with her. She was the Lia Petterson. And Ashton was just, Ashton. He swallowed the lump in his throat before looking at the three pairs of eyes that were staring at him. He gave them all a fake smile.

"I'm fine." Ashton said with false glee. They didn't believe him.

"You're not." Calum stated and before Ashton could lie again, he gave the brunet a look.

"Fine, I'm not fine." Ashton sighed, slumping onto the couch in the space between Mali and Michael. Mali immediately started rubbing comforting circles onto Ashton's shoulder.

"Spill." Calum told him. Ashton explained how Luke said that they had to break things off because it wasn't 'good for their reputations' and how he could just lie to his face like that.

"Like, he could've just said, 'Oh, I'm actually getting back together with Lia.' you know? How could he just lie to me like that?" Ashton let out angrily. Was he sad? Oh yes, he was. But was he mad? Fuck yes. Michael listened in to Ashton's story, but he couldn't wrap his head around it. No way would Luke agree to get back together with Amelia. He made a mental note to confront his best friend later, but for now, they all wanted to comfort the hurting brunet.

Double update!! I'm eating ice cream and I feel SO good. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote up and leave me some comments!!! Much love to you all!!!
-jessica xx

ps: just listened to the 5sos radio thing. Ashton's favorite wing flavor is lemon pepper and i cried because that's my favorite too ok bye  

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