Day 1

139 9 6

Hey Jimin

Waking up to that tone of voice, that gravelly, hoarse pitch that people sometimes mistake as being the cause of a sore throat, is all I need to jump start my day. He is my coffee, my two sugar, two cream.

Jimin... I'm... I'm

Somehow, the gruff tone that I've been accustomed to changed into a soft, pitiful whimper as he spoke to me, is he... crying?

I'm sorry.

What is he talking about?

Yoongi, What's wrong?

I spoke out, only I didn't feel the familiar feeling of words slipping out from between my lips. In fact, I felt as if my lips were literally sealed.

Baby please come back!

Come back?

I try and pull myself up on my elbows, I didn't budge. I tried to sit up, I didn't budge. I tried to open my eyes, I didn't budge.

I won't budge.

You'll come back soon right? You'll hang in there, you won't leave me... Right?

Not able to ask, not able to move, not able to even cry, which is what I want to do so badly right about now. It's not everyday you wake up completely paralyzed while having your partner speak to you like you're in your grave. Fast paced beeping sounds could be heard all throughout, all of a sudden I heard a door swing open.

Sir, could you step out for a minute? Jimin is having heart palpitations. There's nothing to worry about, it's normal. Patients will often react to their first dose of medication, he'll be fine.

Am I in a hospital?


I feel completely fine!

I felt much needed reassurance from my two sugar two cream, as the softness of his lips rested against my forehead.

I'll visit you every week, I'll keep you up to date on everything, I'll wait for you.

I love you Jimin.

I love you Yoongi.

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