Part 1: Chapter 12: Part 2

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well, hello, my little monsters!


"Get your pixies to come here," Samael demanded as he threw a sleeping Zachary and a blue key card on the bed, and started pacing the length of the room. "Now."

"But I don't even know how to-"

"JUST DO IT!" he roared, his red and blue eyes glowing as he glared at me with bared fangs.

I looked at him with an emotionless stare, hiding my shock and fear in the deepest pit of my stomach. I said nothing as I turned around and strode towards the front door of the hotel room.

All I could hear was Samael's steps and heavy breathing behind me – from some unknown, pent-up anger inside him – as I walked away. My lips twitched, itching to ask him about what was making him so livid. He was calm and collected (for the most part), until we got into the hotel room. Then, all of a sudden, he paused, looked down at Zach, and glared. It was like someone flipped a switch in his head and he freaked.

With all kinds of weird theories as to just happened swimming in my brain, I reached the front door and jerked it open with a glare. Anger was bubbling up inside of me from how he yelled at me, glaring at me like I'm the cause of all his pain.

'Hey, guys. I don't know where Samael took us, but can you come find me in a city called S-' I mind-linked, but before I could even finish all of them were in front of me, smiling at me sadly.

"What the hell? You guys can't just pop out of thin air like this is a magic trick! What if a camera caught you or someone saw you do that?" I hissed, looking at them with wide eyes.

"No one can see us right now," Cassiel said reassuringly, sounding a lot softer in his tone than usual.

"If someone walks in on this all they'll see is you talking to the wall behind us," Rahab said bluntly, stretching his arms out for a hug. "We're here! Come on! Give me a hug," he cooed, smiling at me as his eyes glittering with fire. When I didn't give him one, he paused, coughed, and put his arms down awkwardly.

"Michelle... Are you all right?" Ariel whispered, looking at me with eyes asking permission to come towards me. I swallowed air and shook my head slowly, spreading my arms out not even an inch from my hips.

Ariel got the message though and moved towards me, enveloping me in one of the most protective hugs I've ever had.

And, with his arms around me, I broke down.

"Ariel, I know I'm going to sound like a wining bitch, but this is too much for me right now," I sobbed into his chest, gripping onto the back of his shirt with a hold that could strangle someone. "I'm not mentally there yet, even after everything I've been through. I feel like I'm just ruining everything I touch and making everyone's life harder. I know we had this conversation not long ago, but after seeing Zach change and cough out this black, tar-like vomit, I-" I cried. Throughout the whole speech Ariel was putting a steady hand through my hair and tracing little circles on my lower back, trying to calm me down. But, once I got to the part about Zachary, Ariel stopped and stiffened, breaking our hug and looking at me with a look of fear.

"What did you just say?" he asked, as all the others stiffened and looked at the hotel room in front of me.

"You know what I said," I murmured, looking at Belial as I spoke. "Why are you all stiff?" I asked him, making him purse his lips and walk towards the room.

"Michelle," Ioael spoke, looking at me with eyes of sadness. "Those visions you told us about... I remember you speaking of a scene like this when they just started. You-"

"Honestly, Michelle," Belial replied as he paused, standing next to me. "If what we're thinking of is true, then you don't want to know. Maybe you should go somewhere with Ariel while we sort this out with Samael and-"

"I don't want to know," I said as I pulled away completely from Ariel and turned to him. At that moment I looked at Belial with tearful eyes and a – metaphorically speaking, of course – bleeding heart. "I need to know. I know that whatever the outcome is, it isn't going to be pretty. But that's my brother in there. I promised that I would protect him, and keep a straight face for him, no matter what. So, if there's a problem with him, you're going to fucking tell me.

"Now get inside," I stuttered, pointing to the door as I sniffled a sob, "and tell me what's going on with him."

At first they all stood still, careful not to make any sudden movements or say anything that could set me off. After what I'm guessing was five minutes of them discussing wether or not I should join them Cassiel finally looked at me, paused for a moment with his lips slightly parted, and slowly said, "Okay, Michelle. Open the door."

With a small nod, I took my key card out of my pocket and unlocked the door, waiting for all of them to come in before going in myself.

I wish I hadn't gone in.

I wasn't prepared for what was behind those doors.

"Michelle," Samael coughed out, blood oozing out of his mouth as he lay sprawled on the floor, Zachary towering over him with fists clenched.

"You know, I don't really like you," Zachary sneered, leaning over Samael. All I could see was the back of Zachary's body, but the tone of voice he used most-likey meant he had a twisted grin on his face, making me feel very worried.

"Really, now? Didn't notice," Samael replied angrily after he spat out blood, looking over at me with an expectant expression.

'I haven't touched him yet. You better get your psycho brother off of me right now, or else I'll have to lay a fist on his pretty little face,' he mind-linked me harshly, making me snarl at him before moving towards Zachary.

"Hey, Zach," I said softly, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. He immediately relaxed his stiff shoulders and straightened himself up. "Zach, I-" I said, but as I started to talk he started turning towards me, and once I saw his face everything I was about to say had just... left my brain. "Oh my God," was all I could think of saying, to which Zach replied with a cackle.

"God? Your God's got nothing to do with it," he replied casually as I stared into black pits and an unfamiliar face. As I kept staring I noticed the details: the crazed look on his face, the whiter teeth, the clearer skin, the cracks under his eyes, and the grin that could have split the skin on the corners of his lips open.

"Zach, what are you-"

"What am I?" he asked, laughing as he looked around at everyone in the room. "What am I? I'm a monster. I'm you, Michelle.

"But, there's a teenzie, weenzie little difference, you see," he whispered as he leaned in closer to me, breathing in my scent. "Because, unlike you, I feel like a God. I am a God."

I didn't know who was standing in front of me right now, and I didn't know how to react to what just came out of Zach's mouth. All I could do was stare at him with wide eyes and muster I few words I thought of.

"Zach, listen to me. Don't give into the darkness. Just because it's the easier choice, doesn't mean it's the right choice," I said quietly, looking at him seriously. He looked at me with a blank face for five seconds, before snorting and laughing his ass off. "Zach, why are you acting like this?"

"You want to know why? My father talked to me, and he told me everything I needed to hear," he said, his grin, somehow, getting even more, unnaturally bigger.

"What are you talking about? Dad is at home, and he knows nothing abou-" I said uneasily, making him frown and shake his head.

"No, Michelle. Not him," he said, talking about our father like he was talking about trash on a street. "Our real father, Michelle," he said, taking another step towards me.

"Zach, we don't even know who our real dad i-"

"Yes. Yes, we do," he replied seriously, lowering his voice. "It's the big guy downstairs.

"It's Satan."

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