Part 1: Chapter 8

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"Zach, you retard!" I screeched as I pried his hand away from his face viciously. "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to look cool or something? If you are, then quit it because there's no need for that right now," I ranted, looking at him in complete shock. He just looked at me with the same lazy smile, not uttering a single word. "Zach, you're really starting to creep me out, so-" 

"Why can't I just have some fun on my birthday?" Zach said in a slurred voice, making me cut myself off mid-sentence and basically let my jaw fall to the floor.  

His birthday's today? How did I forget that?

"I mean, come on, Michelle. Even I  knew that it's his birthday," Samael said, commenting irrelevantly to what I said in my head. Though I could tell that Samael suddenly wasn't as calm and sleazy as he was seconds ago. 

It was obvious he was rigid about something. 

And I have no doubt that something was going to have to do with Zach.

"Zach..." I said, slowly putting his hands to his sides. He was still looking at me with that sketchy smile; chills were going down my spine just looking at it. "Can we sit back down for a minute?" I asked as I gently started tugging him a little towards the floor. 

"Sure, Michelle," Zach chuckled as a response, his voice deepening. I kept a calm and collected stance as we lowered ourselves to the ground, but on the inside, I was panicking. Zach has been taking everything very well this whole day and I've been noticing he hasn't been aggressive and violent like he normally is. Has this been going on the whole day? 


Was he drugged? 

He had to be on some type of drug. I know for a fact that he wouldn't be taking everything this well if it wasn't for something distracting him.

And what about the face cut? Why couldn't he feel it? 

Maybe he's high off pain killers?

'And why is it healing so quickly?' I added to myself when I watched his face basically... seal shut in a matter of minutes. 

"Michelle, get away from him," Samael demanded, about to step in. 

"Like Hell I will, especially with a fucking gun in your hands," I growled to him in reply, but taking his order into consideration I did the first thing I could think of. 

I slammed Zach down onto the floor and held him down as much as I could, with my knees drilling into his shins and my hands throwing his arms next to his head and holding him down on the wrist so he couldn't cut me if claws were to somehow appear out of his body. 

Hey, who the fuck knows. I mean, it happened to me. 

"Zach," I yelled sternly, eyeing him carefully. I could see he was starting to try to contort under my grip with his eyes closed and lips clamped shut, which made me tighten my hold. "Zach, you need to listen to me."

"It hurts," he muttered as he opened his eyes, just for me to see black pits instead of his intense caramel eyes. "You're hurting me, Michelle! Get off!" he screamed as fangs sprang out of his mouth, making me want to cry. 

He's not even trying to fight it. 

'It's because he can't, Michelle,' I heard Samael mind-link. 'He's not like you Michelle.'

'My baby brother is not turning into a fucking demon, Samael,' I spat as I shot a quick glare at him before turning back to Zach. 

"Zach! Listen to me!" I yelled at him pleadingly, trying to make him hear me through his screams. "Pray to God, Jesus, Mary, someone! Don't turn into me, Zach!"

"They're all screaming, Michelle!" Zach cried out as he started to shake in an almost seizure-like way under my grip. His tears started to turn into blood as he sobbed through his screams, making me choke back a cry. "I can't take it anymore! They're killing me, Michelle!"

"Zachary David Antoinette!" I yelled, my voice cracking slightly. "This isn't you! This isn't the little, stubborn fuck-boy – that I have to call a brother – talking! You are strong and hard headed, and I love you for that, Zach! Fight through this! Pray to God or... just do something to save yourself!" I yelled, my voice sounding like a croak as I started to cry uncontrollably. " I swear to God, if you let this happen to yourself I'm  going to kill you, not them!" 

"They're making it wor-r-rse the longer I resist, M-Michelle," he growled, his fists clenching. "I'm not like you! I can't do this! I don't stand a chance ag-"

"Zach shut the fuck up and think!" I screamed before slapping his face, instantly reaching for his wrist and slamming it back on the floor before he could hurt me. He opened his eyes to glare at me, but all I saw when I saw his eyes was two words. 

Brown, and hope. 

here's the last chappy of the deal!!!

ily guys! happy leap year day!

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