Part 1: Chapter 9: Part 1

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"Michelle?" I heard him whisper to me, making me sob and move closer to him.

"Yes?" I whispered back in reply, watching his eyes start to flutter shut.

"Hit the whip for me... One last time," he said, before dying.

the end....

jk lol here's the actual chapter


That relief was short-lived, though. Not even five seconds passed before his brown eyes turned black again and his face contorted into one with extreme pain. I didn't have time to react before a deafening scream he gave knocked me away from him, my body sailing dozens of feet back and landing harshly on the cement.

I swiftly got back up and raced towards him, ignoring the shards of glass and chips of metal that were stuck in my head and back. The only thing I could think of at the moment was keeping Zachary safe. The only person I qualify as real family is not going to end up a cold-hearted demon. I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen.

Even if it kills me.

"Zach," I breathed out as I dropped to his side again, looking him over to make sure he wasn't hurt. He was still screaming uncontrollably with his back arched and hands frantically grasping for the floor; his legs, however, seemed to look almost... paralyzed. They were deathly still; unwavering. Even with all of his upper body thrashing around.

"I can't!" Zachary screamed in agony, making me stiffen up and hold back my own scream of frustration. I looked at him one more time and was about to give up before a thought a thought crossed my mind.

Minus the pre-martial sex, he's never sinned... And he goes to confession every Saturday.

He should be fine, or at least go to Purgatory.

So, if I were to kill him... he'd have a chance.

He'd have a chance of going to Heaven.

'But is that really something you want to do?' someone asked me, the slithering voice lurking around the back of my head, feeling as irritating as an itch in a hard-to-reach place. 'Is that really something you want to risk? Maybe the reason he's having a hard time ignoring the turn is because he's to going to Hell, not Heaven.'

It was as if that thought punched him in the throat because he stopped screaming and started to choke uncontrollably as soon as that last sentence slipped into my brain.

Immediately my brain switched gears and I swung him up to sit him down. "Go on all fours," I instructed sharply, making him look at me with a hopeless and defeated stare. But I did feel a rush of relief when his choking turned more into coughing.

"Michelle," he muttered through the coughing, but I cut him off last minute and growled, watching as he choked again on the black goo that started to slowly creep out of his mouth. "It's too... Late for me... I'm-"

"Done with your shit!" I cried out as I grabbed the back of his shirt and physically turned him over so he was on all fours.

I have to admit, though, I did it a lot rougher than I intended to.

Putting that at the back of my head, I started slamming on the upper and middle part of his back, watching from the corner of my eye as Samael looked at us - or, should I say me - with a speechless expression.

I heard Zach start to gurgle a little, which made a small spark of hope shine through me as I started hitting his back again, with more power. "Michelle... Just..." he muttered out as he looked towards me, with a terrifying face. His eyes were pits and blood was coming out of everywhere: his eyes, nostrils, ears, the pores in his skin. "Kill me," was the last thing he said before my own eyes went black.

'Do it,' a tiny voice at the back of my head whispered coaxingly, but that little voice was going to have nothing to do with my decision.

I just can't take it anymore.

I let out one of my own angry, banshee screams as I slammed my fists down onto his back as hard as I could, watching him slam to the ground the whole building shake as I did so.

At that point, time stopped. It felt like when I would pause a movie at the most climactic part show, to try and calm down and get my bearings together after what I just saw.

And right now, I accidentally pressed play a little too early.

As soon as I could feel the building moving again I turned to Zach's body on the floor, just to see him crouched, vomiting out the same black liquid I did when Samael and I were at my old school, hiding from those demon "nobles", or whatever the fuck they were. I don't know what him vomiting means, but judging from how much was now on the floor – which was enough to fill an enormous bucket – I had a good feeling about it.

'No...' Samael mind linked to me instantly, making me jump from shock. I turned to look at him, just to see him staring at Zach with wide eyes. 'You shouldn't have a good feeling, because this... this is far from good.'

------------READ ME----------

okay, so I did this in like 30 minutes during my science class, so it's no that long

but oh well i felt bad for making you guys wait this long for an update.... so there you go!!

part 2 of the chapter should be up soon


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