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Hello everyone! This story ties in Ninjago with mythical creatures, where the ninja are hybrids of mythical creatures. I'm starting with the descriptions of the ninja, my ocs included. You'll get an idea of the plot but you have to read to get a full plot

Here's Lloyd, he's a fairy now. Deal with it. Fairies are usually tricky but kind, which is how I usually see Lloyd as a character. In his character design he just wears blue jean style shorts, as well as a kind of ripped green shirt. He chooses not to wear shoes as he just likes to feel grass against his feet, playing along with him being a fairy. His ears are pointed at the very tip, his skin is very pale but often gets dirty with his playing. His wings are clear, but have green tints in them. Lloyd is often wanted by monster hunters for his magic.

Nya is a Japanese mermaid called the Ningyo. She does in fact have a tail but it only comes out in water, out of it her feet and hands are webbed, flippers growing from her ankles and rist. Her pale skin, mostly on her legs and arms are dotted in orange dots. She chooses not to wear shoes like Lloyd, also wearing baby blue swim shorts and bikini top. She also wears a long, red, silky scarf that she loves to wear in water. Nya is often hunted by monster hunters for her flesh as it is said to grant immortality, and the fact she cries pearls.

Kai is a Tien Lung, or Celestial Dragon. He has white horns with three red, dangly piercings on each horn. His wings are large and white, red lining the rims of his wings, sharp horns on the tips. Kai chooses not to wear a shirt as the horns on his wings often break it. He wears sweat pants and slipper like shoes, the shoes resembling socks almost. Kai has a long, white tail with red fur at the tip, red yarn decorating his plain colored tail. He is hunted for his horns, as they are the strongest things known to man.

Jay is a Raiju, a Japanese lightning and thunder beast. He has spiky, almost quill like furs on his back, static often coming from it. His hair is messy but he combs it to keep it neat. Jay's eyes are more vibrant and electric color blue, glowing when angry. His skin is pale but fades into blue as it goes down his arms and feet. Jay chooses just to wear blue jeans and a white shirt, also choosing not to wear shoes like most of them do. Jay is hunted by monster hunters for his fur, as they believe it can power the world for years to come.

Zane is a sphinx, matching his wise and calm nature, which also matches how he speaks in riddles and rhymes. He has eagle like wings coming from his light grey shirt, a lions tail coming from his white pants. He has a few leopard like birthmarks on his skin, his baby blue eyes looking like cat eyes. Zane is one of the few who actually wear shoes, wearing white sneakers that he often likes to run in. Zane is hunted for his wings, their soft feathers often used for fashion.

Cole is a manticore, a lion and scorpion like beast. Like Kai, he chooses not to wear a shirt as he has spikes along his back, so it's easier not to wear a shirt. He has a scorpion tail coming from his brown sweat pants, him also refusing to wear shoes. Cole is hunted for his scorpion tail for the poison it cares son it can be used to create vaccines.

Kat is a shadow beast, a beast that can blind well into backgrounds. The tips of her shaggy black hair softens into smoke, her arms being mostly black and fading into black smoke as well. She wears black yoga pants, her pale skinned feet fading into solid black skin like the rest of her body. She also wears a white tank-top, her black dragon like wings also fading into smoke. Kat is hunted because the monster hunters believe they can get money if they sell the hard to catch beast to scientists.

Rosco is a Ti Lung, or River Dragon. Her navy blue horns come from her blue shoulder length hair with swept back tips. She has a long silver blue tail from her black pants, her also choosing to wear shoes. She wears silver fabric boots and a white sleeveless shirt, a dark blue belt around her waist to where she keeps knives. Her pale skin is lined with a few scars. She is hunted for the scales on her tail, them being sharper than any sword ever.

June is not a mythical creature, but in fact the daughter of a monster hunter. She has curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes, few freckles on her pale skin. She often wears a white sun dress.

P.I.X.A.L is an android made to find mythical creatures, her often brought along on hunting trips. She has no powers and is sometimes defenseless, but has her smarts to keep her going.

Sensei Wu is a kind man that allows the band of mythical creatures to live in his home.

Those are the openings, hope you enjoy. I actually spent forever just looking up and researching these creatures.

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