Chapter 2

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Picture above is a Raiju^

   Kai was curled up in his nest by the fire, a puff of smoke coming out every time he sneezed. The Tien Lung had come down with the cold, the bug running around their home. Cole was wrapping himself in a blanket looking tired. Cole was the only mythological beast that slept in a bed. Kai slept in a nest, Jay slept on the floor, Zane just slept sitting, Rosco sharing a nest with Kai, Kat sleeping in shadows, and Nya sleeping in a tub of water. "Kai..." Cole whined with a sniff, "Move your earings,"

   Kai frowned and moved over for Cole to see the tv. "They're not earings!" he said to Cole only getting a snicker from the guys. His Ti Lung girlfriend, Rosco, only rolled her eyes and set soup down in front of Kai. "Whatever they are I think they're cool," she said kissing his cheek and flicking the dangly red piercing.

   Zane smiled at his brothers and stretched his wings, a few feathers falling to the floor. That's when the spunky young ningyo walked in with the home phone in hand. "I got a call from Wu, he's almost here with more cold medicine," she informed.

  "I'll wait for him," Zane offered getting off his perch to which he sleeps, "I need to stretch my legs," he said slipping on his shoes.

    Zane walked out of the monastery to which they stayed. He looked around when suddenly a flash of silver caught his icy blue eyes, them widening a bit. His lion like claws came out from his fingers, the furs on his tail standing straight, letting out a growl, he slowly approached. "Who are you...?" he said in a low, menacing tone. A female stepped forward, but no ordinary woman, an android. Zane froze in place. "I'm P.I.X.A.L," she hesitated before speaking. The sphinx set his claws away and let the furs on his tail lay flat. "Zane," he greeted shortly.

    "Where's that robot!?"

    "Where are those creatures!?"

    Yells and screams exploded from the forest. Zane whimpered in fear as he stepped back, he knew those voices, monster hunters. P.I.X.A.L had a confused look as she stepped towards the frightened male in attempts to calm him. Zane looked up at her, fear in his eyes. "You work for them..." he said scared.

   As hunters approached, Zane jumped into the bushes, watching the the scene unfold. The android female turned to the males, this man was a scared and confused, she couldn't let them hurt him, no matter what. This was wrong. "No mythical creatures in area," she said, faking a scan.

   That's when one of the men whacked her with his gun, a scowl for an expression. "Useless piece of junk. We should scrap you know," he growled pressing the gun to her white metal forehead. P.I.X.A.L's green eyes were wide in pure fear, mouth gapped open as she shook. Zane couldn't stand for this, he had to help those who saved him. Roaring, he leaped forward, claws out and sharp teeth bared. The men screamed and jumped back at the angry sphinx. Zane grabbed their guns and threw them away, the metal weapons sent flying off at great distances, breaking once impact. The men jumped up and ran in fear, leaving the sphinx and android alone. Zane picked up the silver haired girl and walked off to the monastery. Oil was dripping from her scalp where she was hit by the monster hunters, green eyes dull as she powered down to conserve energy. Zane had blood on his hands from when he attacked, the scarlet liquid on his clothes due to splatter.

   "There's Zane! How ya doin' bu-" Kat was cut off as Zane came in full view with P.I.X.A.L. Zane blinked rapidly, trying to find the words to speak.

    "T-they were gonna hurt her... She saved me," he spoke at last as everyone stared at the two. They all exchanged glances as Jay came forward. "C'mon, lets fix her up," he said.

   "Alright, lets power her on," Jay said as they finished repairing the girl. Zane lightly stroked her shoulder to get a response from P.I.X.A.L, the girl's eyes becoming bright, her now powered on. "So, you're the one who saved Zane?" Wu asked walking up to her. The android nodded and looked at Zane, "No creature should be locked up. May I ask... why'd you save me?"

   "You saved me, it was wise to return the gesture," he said smiling.

   They all smiled. "Here, let me show you where you'll be sleeping," Nya said taking her hand. P.I.X.A.L couldn't help but stare at the girl's flippers, they were wet and somewhat slimy but they looked beautiful. Nya led her to her room, a tub of water near the far corner of her room, ocean decorations in her room. "I'll go get you some blankets and a pillow," the ningyo spoke skipping away, it was nice to have a roommate until they made room for the girl. Nya stopped at the sight of a picture, stepping back, she came face to face with a photo. A Ningyo male and a Tien Lung female were on the picture. "You'd be proud mom and dad," she said feeling a hand on her shoulder, looking up, she saw her brother.

   "They sure are proud of us, Nya," he said with a smile. Nya smiled and gave her brother a short hug before leaving with the blankets.

    P.I.X.A.L smiled seeing Nya come back and started to set up a pallet for her guest to sleep on. "There you are," she said smiling. P.I.X.A.L smiled and curled up in the blankets, Nya jumping into her small pond.

   The monastery fell quiet as everyone began to sleep, it was peaceful since they were so far away from the busy bustle of the city. Nothing but crickets sang a soft song as the world came to a rest. Apart from a girl who stared off into the forset. She needed to see that fairy boy again. She needed to see Lloyd.

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