Adrian in panic... Feelings revealed

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Chapter 8


 I was imagining Sydney's beautiful face and try to paint it. Suddenly I accidentally shove my glass holder and it was broken to pieces. From that moment my chest was heaving when Sydney crossed my mind. The sudden buzz of my cell phone startled me from my thoughts.

“Hello? Adrian are you there?” Jill’s urgent voice alerted me.

“Is there a problem?” I rapidly asked.

“It’s Sydney” my mind spun into circles. What happened to her? I can't let anything happen to her. 

“What happened to Sydney?!” I stood up. My chest is already thudding fastly.

“She’s running a high fever and she keeps on calling your name hysterically. Maybe she’s worried about snapping at you last night in your spirit dream.” there was urgent sound from her voice as if asking me to be there as soon as possible.

“I’ll go there now!” I said without hearing her response. I went to Dimitri’s apartment and press the doorbell continuously. When nobody answered I banged the door.

“Open this damn door!” I shouted. I continue banging the door. 

“I’ll bombard your fucking door if you don’t fucking open for a fucking 5 hell seconds!” I threathened banging the door more loudly. The door suddenly burst open and I nearly fall over when Rose caught me.

“Adrian! What’s the matter with you?” Rose said calmly even though she wanted to throw a punch on me. I saw Dimitri on her back. No wonder it took a long time for them to answer the door. Only God knew what they are doing.

“Give me your car keys” I demanded urgently gesturing my hand.

“Why?” she asked alertly. She ordered Dimitri to take the keys in their kitchen.

“Sydney’s having a high fever and I need to go to Amberwood. Pronto!” I said impatiently.

“I’ll go with you”

“Fine!” I took the keys from Dimitri. I drove a record breaking car driving. Nice timing that there’s no traffic guards on duty. I abruptly went out to ask the guard to let us in. He refused at first because we don't have any campus pass.

“Let us in NOW!” I was using compulsion now.

“Sure sir!” We reached the campus, everyone were staring at us. A mixture of admiration, intimidation and curiosity filled the air. But I don’t care I need to go to Sydney and so I slammed the car door so hard that astonishingly it didn’t break. I basically run down and saw a familiar face.

“Hey!YOU!” I walked towards him. He raised her brows apparently he recognize me as Sydney's brother.

“You’re Tracy right?” I asked certainly.

“It’s Trey” he said annoyingly.

“Whtaever Troy, Where’s your clinic?” I asked urgently. Some by passers stopped to eavesdrop.

“It's Trey! What will you do in our clinic?” he asked back. Patience gone I grabbed his shirt. The crowd gasped. Dimitri and Rose came into my side to calm me down.

“Where the hell is your fucking clinic?” I shouted some student pointed in the door at the end of the hallway. I let go of him.

“THANK YOU!” The crowd automatically dispersed when I heard a voice of a woman.

“What’s the commotion in here? Why are you not in class?” Molly, their adviser said.

“Mr Melrose! To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” she said sweetly.

(Adrian Ivashkov and Sydney Sage story):Love beyond all OddsWhere stories live. Discover now