Chapter 3

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Ring ring. The noise of the landline going off again woke me up. I looked around and realised that Adam was still fast asleep next to me, it must've been 3am when we fell asleep watching the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I hurried over to the landline and answered saying "Heyy" just casually. Oh my gosh, it was Violet. "Hello hun, you're aunt is going to be fine, she's got a broken wrist but that's being treated now and that's the only thing wrong. She's conscious now and should be home within a few days;" said Violet. I was so happy that I couldn't stop smiling.

As the phone call ended I heard a voice behind me, "hello, who was that?" Came the curious voice. I turned around to see Adam was awake and leaning over me and I chuckled. "That was Violet, my Godmother, she called to say that Cami is okay" my smile was beaming.
"You gonna tell me what happened then?"
"Well Cami was in a car crash and she was in hospital unconscious, she hasn't had any serious injuries only a broken wrist which isn't too bad considering she could've been killed"
"Oh, so you're okay now?"
"Yeah, I'm okay, I was a but upset yesterday but I'm happy now"
"That's good" he said with relief and a smile.

We got some stuff to eat and took it in turns to use the shower. Adam has stayed round so many nights he even has his own drawer of clothes in my room and I have stayed at his house that I have a drawer of clothes in his room too. I'm so thankful to have him as my best friend, I don't know what I'd do without him♡

Once we were both washed and dressed we decided to give Jasper a call, we told him that we would meet him at the beach and that we should all have a picnic. That way I could sneak the potion into his drink. "Hello?" Answered Jasper.
"Heyy Jas, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out at the beach with me and Adam?"
"Because when we broke up a year ago we decided we should just be friends and I am trying to be friendly by inviting you to hang out..."
"Okay, what time?"
"In an hour?"
"Yeah sure, I'll be there"
"See you in an hour Jas" I said with an innocent smile forgetting he couldn't see my facial expression. I turned back to Adam and smiled, I always smile when I look at him.

We got together some food for ourselves and a sandwich and soda for Jasper, we were sure to put the potion in the soda ready for him to drink. "Are you sure you want to give him the potion?" Asked Adam.
"Yes, of course I am sure."
"Really? Cause you refuse to see what's right in front of you."
"And what would that be?" I asked, my voice sounding irritated to hide my fear.
"Me. I'm in love with you!"
"Whatever. I don't want to hear it." I stated with exasperation in my voice but as I turned to walk away he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him and a split second later we were making out.

My mind was in a confusing situation, I was so in love with Jasper but it's like compared to Adam, Jasper means nothing. Adam was the one who has always mattered to me more but I didn't know what to do. I was so unsure of myself.

Suddenly I recalled a spell, a spell that could freeze time. I closed my eyes and said the spell and time was frozen until I said the spell again. I had time. I put the drinks in the fridge, I sent a text to Jasper calling off the day out, I went into the attic and got my first spell book and I restarted the time again.

"Okay... I froze time, put the potion in the fridge, called it off with Jasper and got my first spell book down from the attic" I said with a chuckle.
"What made you change your mind? Was it me? Or do you actually have more brains than I give you credit for?"
"Both. Compared to you, Jasper means nothing to me, I just don't know what I'm feeling"
"Ok, think about it for a few days, if you still decide to give Jasper the potion then you should but it is best to not act without having a few days thought. We have weeks till we are back at school, don't spend summer trying to make that douchetwat love you"
"I guess you're right" I sighed. Hmm, what do I mean 'I guess' - of course he is right, he couldn't lie to me if he tried.

After an awkward silence we decided we might aswell go and get some ice cream, it was such a hot summer day. So we started walking down to the beach again but not near the rides, just over to the ice cream van when I got a call from Jasper. I turned to Adam and shrieked "What do I do?! It's Jasper!" Tears filling my eyes by the second.
"I'll answer it"
"Okayy" I handed the phone to Adam and he calmly answered the call. "Hello?" He said.
"What are you doing with Jaci's phone?"
"None of your business"
"Actually yeah it is"
"And why is that?"
"Because I need to tell her something and you have her phone"
"Well I'll pass a message..."
"Give her the phone"
"Fine!" Adam passed my phone back to me and I was shaking. Quietly I mumbled "Hello Jasper?"
"Babe. We should get back together"
"Erm, r-really?" I stuttered as I looked over to Adam who had the most worried expression.
"Yeah, we are getting back together."
"Oh erm yeah sure okay"
"I wasn't asking your permission; that was a statement, not a question. You'll go out with me if I say so!" His tone was threatening, it scared me and I wasn't quite sure what to do. He hadn't been like this before so I don't know why he's started to be like it now...

I ended the phone call before anymore could be said, I had to tell Adam that I was taken, I couldn't keep flirting with him now that me and Jasper were back together. It wouldn't be right.

"What did he want?" Grumbled Adam.
"Well erm... me and him are back together"
"Wait, seriously?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry"
"Oh erm thanks..." Way to make things awkward. I half smiled at him but I could see he was upset. I thought to myself: maybe one kiss couldn't make anything worse... and with that I kissed him, after all it isn't like it hasn't happened before. It took him by surprise and he didn't kiss back, he just pulled away. I could see tears forming in his eyes as he tried to blink them away. He took a deep breath and wiped his eyes knowing the tears were about to stream down his face. What have I done...

I grab his hand and we walk along back to my house together but when we get there we find the door open and the lock broken. Someone broke in the house. That's the last thing this day needed. Quickly Adam calls 999 to report the break in - possible robbery - while he did this I ran into the house to check that nothing had been stolen... I couldn't find any trace of anything missing but I didn't know for sure.

The police got to my house within minutes, Violet walked out of the police car looking concerned but that's how she always looks. "Anything stolen?" She asks.
"Nope, nothing that I know of"
"Okay, I'll contact the hospital telling them to inform Cami"
"Okay, thankyou"
"Anytime sweetie" she said with a warm smiled.

It was almost night time when they left, Adam had gone home and Cami decided she was gonna stay in the house over night cause I can't be alone over night in the house. I stayed up most of the night thinking about everything that has happened so far this summer, and it's only the beginning...

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