Washington DC

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Reese's POV
I got my arm cast off five and a half weeks after being released. My leg cast took two extra weeks to fully heal up. During those two weeks I started to do therapy for my arm and then I had to add another hour for my leg. It was really hard work.
Spencer had stayed with me the whole time since Raylee had to go back to her work. Spencer kept himself busy by helping out with Vanesa and Colton's kids when their babysitter got sick. I spent most of my time touching up on my veterinarian skills and knowledge and getting back to good health.
The therapist for my physical well being thought that I was doing very well and only ended up in there for a total of a month and a half. Pauline decided to throw a picnic party in my victory since the days were still nice in September. Spencer had also mentioned that our seven month anniversary had come up. We hadn't celebrated out six month one since everything had happened but we did take our relationship a little more intimate.
I decided to wear my nice sunshiny type knee length dress to the picnic. It wasn't too fancy but I hadn't worn a dress in forever. More like four months but minor details.
At the park were the little tables which was where we decided to have it. The kids were overjoyed since they got to run around like maniacs. The adults, apparently I am one of them, got to sit around, drink some alcohol, and talk. Luckily Pauline's husband was a bartender so we got bar like drinks. During my therapy I wasn't allowed any alcohol so getting my little mojito was a treat. Spencer got a fireball, a mini one which he was more than happy with.
Spencer was with me, touching me in one way or another, the whole evening. Our fingers were either connected or his hand was around my waist. Vanesa and Colton whispered and giggled a lot when they saw us.
"So I hear you guys have been together seven months now. That a pretty big milestone." Pauline said, her husband nodded in approval.
She swished around her water, the only drink she'd had that day. Their only child ran up and gave them both a hug before sticking her tongue out at Charlie and saying that her mommy appreciated hugs. Vanesa and Pauline rolled their eyes at their little ones.
"I guess. Neither of us would know." I smiled up at him. Spencer had a huge blush across his face.
"Oh sure you would. With Jake you almost got to the two year mark."
"Shush!" I covered her mouth, the mojito was already getting to me. "Sexy means soooooo much more to me than Jake."
"Oh does he now?" Jeremy asked. "You said the-"
"That was in the past. This is right now. I got all the people I love around me. Why fret about the past?" I hiccuped.
"Let's get some pizza in you," Spencer suggested.
After we got some pizza, Pauline stood up with Jeremy. Everyone knew what they were about to say. Jeremy cleared his throat before saying, "We're expecting!"
And Pauline added, "Again!"
Everyone cooed. It was our group's way of saying congratulations on getting laid. Vanesa and Colton didn't get much cooing after pregnancy number three. Colton winked at Spencer when Pauline and Jeremy made their announcement. I wondered what that was for but didn't question it.
The party lasted until nine, the kids were exhausted and I was almost very drunk. Spencer basically had to carry me to the car. It was a minute walk away. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"I loooove you," I tapped his nose.
"And I love you. Do you think you can walk to the room?" He wasn't super strong but he could hold his own.
"I-hiccup-guess so." I ended up falling asleep on the car ride home.
When I woke up I rushed to the bathroom. I really had a getting drunk problem and I didn't like the after affects. Spencer was still out cold when I finished up my hangover throw up. I decided that I needed some pancakes and bacon. Spencer trudged out of the room, his hair all over.
"Something smells good." He mumbled.
"I made some breakfast for us." I set his plate with syrup on the table.
We are in silence until Spencer said words I've been waiting for.
"I want you to move in."
I choked on my pancakes. Maybe it wasn't exactly how I wanted it said. "What?"
"I want you to move to DC with me. I'm missing too many days of work. Hotch understands but I'm not sure if the people above him do. And I don't think I could metaphorically live being away from you." His fingers touched mine.
"I-I'm not sure about it. My whole life is here!"
"But you have no job."
"I've been looking for one. Just no one wants to hire a vet who has been out for three months."
"You can find a place in DC. Please Peanut Butter."
"I can't."
"I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I was going to ask you last night but you were a little. Drunk."
"Seriously?! Tomorrow! How in the world am I supposed to make a decision within," I looked at the clock. "Less than 24 hours! I think things through!"
"Do you during surgeries?" He asked.
"Of course not! That is a completely unrelated matter!"
His eyes flashed with something I'd never seen. Disappointment. He washed his plate and went out.
The next morning I woke up without Spencer by my side. There was a note instead.

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