Sleeping Dog

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3rd person POV
He liked her. He really did. He followed her around for a whole week. He had gotten rid of the other girl that was close but not like this one.
She was a very well renounced local veterinarian which is saying something for Portland, one of the biggest cities in the nation. Every client loved working with her. She was speedy but affective. Just the way he liked it.
He had to steal a dog and beat it up a little to be able to not seem as if he was following her. He brought the dog in all frantically. The thing was barely breathing.
"Help! Help! This dog's been hurt!" He self congratulated himself for being such a good actor.
Just as he hoped. It was her that came to the rescue. She didn't even recognize him as she was only focused on the thing that was too broken to do anything.
"What happened?" She asked, bringing him and the thing into the examination room.
"He ran out onto the street and I couldn't stop in time."
He watched as she was solely focused on the thing. He wanted to take her right then and there. He wanted her forever. He wanted her for always.
"Ok, if you'll pay upfront I'll go Ito surgery immediately." She said.
He smirked and did as she told him. She could be demanding. He totally digged it.

Reese's POV
I'd been filling out the lovely thing called paper work when a man suddenly came into the front screaming. I paused momentarily trying to decide on whether or not I should go check it out.
I slowly looked around the corner at knee height. I saw the man from the cemetery a few days before holding a very beat up dog. It looked like animal abuse.
I couldn't hold myself back. I ran to the dog and immediately brought it to the examination room that could flip to be a surgery room. The poor dog, he was a pit bull/terrier mix and it could barely breathe.
I took some x-rays to see what all was going on. There were several broken ribs, legs, and even part of the spine was badly injured. I decided the best plan of action was to put the dog down. If it survived it wouldn't be able to move much and the dog was already pretty old. Probably around 14.
The guy had said that he ran over it. But the wounds weren't constant with the story. I checked the collar, it still had the name on it. I called the number from the room since I had sent the man out to pay for a surgery that wasn't going to happen. But if he did this to Bullwinkle, the dogs name, then it would've had to be with a very blunt object.
I gave the dog a pain reliever before I called the number on the tag. It was a man that called, his voice was rough.
"Who is this? How'd you get this number?" The man barked through the phone.
"This is Dr. Reese Jenson from Animal Cares in Portland, Oregon. I'm calling about your dog," I took a deep breath waiting for the man's response.
He sounded relieved. "You found Bullwinkle! Is he alright?"
This was always the hardest part. "Sir, your dog came into my office badly broken," I gave him my observations and professional opinion.
"A broken spine?" He asked.
"Yes, a broken spine. Bullwinkle wouldn't be able to move well or do anything really."
"I live 10 minutes away. Can you wait for that long Dr. Jenson?"
"Yes. I can."
I petted Bullwinkle while I waited. He was sighing with happiness. The drugs had definitely kicked in. Otherwise he would be whining.
Mikey knocked on the door. His eyes looked wet from looking at the poor, sad sight of the broken dog. He shook his head to get out of his mind.
"There's a man here claiming that you have his dog Bullwinkle."
"I'll be out there in a second."
I made sure that there was enough pain killers in the dog that he wouldn't be complaining when his owner came in to see him for the last time. When I decided that everything was alright I went out to the front.
The guy who brought the dog in was no longer in the building. I was fine with it. He made me very uncomfortable. I smiled at the owner.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Reese Jenson. You're Bullwinkle's owner correct?"
He shook my hand. "Yes, can I see him."
"Sure. Follow me," I paused by Mikey and whispered in his ear, "I have something to talk to you about afterwards."
As soon as we entered Bullwinkle started wagging his tail. The owner, Bill Hampton, was elated to see his precious pet. It almost made the whole situation sadder. I already had gotten the medicine ready for Bullwinkle to be let down.
After a little while Bill said he was ready. He didn't cry as Bullwinkle died. He kept smiling which made the dog smile too. It broke my heart to see that.

So I might be changing some things since it has come to my notice that at the beginning that Reese may sound like a boy thanks to AshyLoo2 Thanks for reading!

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