Replacement Girl

18 1 2

3rd person POV
He lost her. After he had made sure everything was perfect he lost her. He had checked all of her normal places to go and she wasn't at any of them.
He hadn't bothered tracking her car since she'd been normally walking. He was very annoyed at himself for not making it perfect. He punched the car which made a very big dent.
He cursed and he punched. People gave him strange glances as they passed. He then after a while just slide down his car side and sat there. He was ashamed.
A girl stopped. She wasn't much older than he was 20 years ago. She was very pretty.
"Are you alright?" She asked, bending down to be eye level with him.
"My girlfriend left me," He told her. He didn't feel like he was lying either.
"Oh my, that really does make people feel bad."
"Yeah it does," he got an idea. "Would you like to see a picture of her?"
She agreed. He opened up the backseat and let her just start to peep in when he grabbed a rock and hit her on the head with it. She fell back into his arms. He quickly shoved her in there. He'd be able to find her later. But he needed someone then.

Reese's POV
As the cool water ran down my back I thought about Jake. He really wasn't a bad guy but those times where he got really mad were terrifying. I don't like being terrified. Especially not by my boyfriends.
I had just gotten my hair starting to get blowed dried when Spencer called.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey, the team's going to grab some pizza. Do you want to join?"
"Pizza you say? Why of course. I'd love to join."
He sent me the address and after I had finished getting ready I went there.
I walked in to the place and saw Spencer. Well it was the back of his head but still Spencer. The blonde girl, JJ, was there from earlier. I wrapped my hands around Spencer's eyes and said, "Guess who?"
I could feel Spencer smile. "Well guessing from your voice and the size and feel of your hands, I'll have to guess Reese."
I came around. "You would be right." I gave him a kiss, which he joined in for a second. I then turned to the rest of the table and smiled. "Hello, I'm Reese Jenson."
An African-American man stuck his hand out. "Derek Morgan." I shook it.
"David Rossi," an older man said.
It went until I had shook everybody's hands.
"So," Derek said. "How'd you two meet?"
I looked to Spencer. He sighed as he told the story. The whole team looked a little shocked. They had known about Maeve at the end after her stalker had kidnapped her so me meeting Spencer at her funeral was a little weird. At it was.
"How long has your relationship been going on?" JJ asked.
"About a month and a half. We've known each other for 3 months in total."
We talked while pizza came and then we separated. Spencer and I stayed as the rest of his team went to the hotel they were staying at.
"Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked.
"Of course," he said.
I grabbed ahold of Spencer's hand. He was a bit taken aback but then he had our fingers intertwine.
"I'm glad we ate pizza. I love, love, love pizza."
He smiled. "I know you do."
I got a playful grin on my face. "You know what else I love?"
Spencer got really tense. I wondered why as I ignored it. "What?" He asked.
"Talking to you," I smile.
"Well talk away."
"There's a creepy guy that I've been seeing everywhere in the past week since the cemetery," I blurted out.
He was a bit taken aback at my statement and got very worried. "What cemetery? Where have you seen him?"
"Clementine. And it's been so many places it's ridiculous."
"We have a while. So tell me," He gripped my hand tighter.
"Well so I've seen him at my coffee shop and he came into my work but I haven't seen him since," a call came. "What?" I barked into the phone.
"You're on-call tonight. There's a call waiting for you. They need you at the office now," Mikey said. He wasn't taken aback at all by my tone. "Sorry about taking your night with your bae."
"It's fine Mikey. You can say that I'll be right there." I turned to Spencer and gave him a big hug. "I have to go. How about lunch tomorrow? I can finish telling you everything," I looked into his eyes.
"Alright. I need to know everything that you know about this guy. It might be vital," Spencer said.
I looked at his lips for a minute. We'd kissed but not like really kissed where our lips made contact for a while. I felt like I needed some of him at that moment.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Why wouldn't you? We are dating and by social-"
I cut him off. It was even better than I expected it. He was way better than my hot Peruvian week-stand. And he was practically a professional.
"I'll send you a picture if everything goes well at the office. As long as it's good. Alright?"
I left for my office immediately.

Spencer's POV
When Reese told me about her stalker I flashed back to Maeve and her stalker. I hadn't gotten to save Maeve, Reese made sure I knew that. But now I had a chance to make sure nothing happened to her.
Morgan called me 3 minutes and 47 seconds after Reese had left. I had been walking around aimlessly for that time.
"Hey Pretty Boy, we got a body. Sorry to drag you away from your girlfriend." He was still shocked that I didn't tell him about her.
I hadn't told anybody on the team because last time they had began to figure out I had a girlfriend everything erupted into metaphorical flames. And she ended up dying. I didn't want Reese to die. Two deaths of loved ones in less than six months would be too much.
"She already left. Her office called her in for an on-call. Perfect timing on your part."
"I guess so. So where'd you two lovebirds go?"
"The love-" Morgan groaned. "City park. I'll be by the gazebos."
He was there within a few minutes. With his driving I'm surprised more people didn't die. But being a FBI agent does mean you have to learn how to drive well. That's why I never really drove.
I decided to try to figure out what Reese's stalker was up to and what his ultimate end game was. Or if it was just a coincidence. I've noticed that after meeting someone you notice them more and more. And with coffee shops those things are full of regulars. Rarely does a stalker go into a coffee shop where he isn't recognized. It's to easy to identify him.
"What are you thinking about?" Morgan asked.
"Oh nothing really. Just about-"
In a way he was right but not in the way he thought he was talking about what I was thinking about. So I thought about our quite almost romantic make out session in the park.
"Reese kissed me."
"She kissed you coming into the pizza place. She kissed you in front of JJ," Morgan didn't understand what I was trying to get to.
"She told you about that?"
"Yeah, that's why she suggested you bring her there."
"Oh," I was a bit weirded out by JJ having suggested it but at the same time I wasn't. "But so Reese and I have like kissed but we haven't really-"
Morgan cut me off again. It was getting kind of annoying. "Made out."
"Yeah, made out." I was actually glad he was the one that said it.
"I'm so proud of you man. Your growing. I can't believe it. Wait until I yell Garcia."
I flushed a deep ruby red color which just made Morgan laugh harder.
We had made it to the crime scene by that time. The victim was a teenage girl around 15 or 16. She had been cleaned up all the way and her make up had been done. Just like the other 10 victims.
This case was becoming stranger and stranger by the body.

Sorry it took so long. Most of the chapter had gotten deleted on accident this afternoon so I had to rewrite it 90% of the chapter. Thanks for reading!

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