Mysterious Man

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At the diner for Maeve after her funeral, the young man hung in the corner of the room. Aunty and Uncle stood in the center, people flocked around them giving their condolences for her death. Nobody seemed to think that I needed some support too. Since no one paid attention to me, I figured I could corner the man to see who exactly he is.
"Hey, I'm Reese Jenson, Maeve's cousin."
I stuck out my hand, the man didn't accept the hand shake. He mumbled out something, staring at the ground.
"Excuse me, I didn't catch that."
The man stumbled on his words, "I'm Spencer Reid."
"Were you Maeve's boyfriend?" I asked trying to make eye contact with this guy.
I hated not being able to see someone's eyes when I talked to them. Spencer nodded his head. His brown eyes were wet and seemed as if he were about to cry. His eyes slightly made contact with mine before he quickly looked down again.
"Do you know how she died?" I asked. Spencer nodded his head. "Would you mind telling me?"
"No, but there's so many people."
I took his hand, even though at first he tried to move his hand. I walked him up the stairs to my room so he could tell me.
"Should we really be up here?" He asked, never looking up.
"It's fine. It's the room Maeve and I share. Well I guess it should be past tense now since we haven't technically shared the room for years. I'm sorry I'm blabbing. So how did she die?"
Spencer had a little smile, his eyes finally met mine.
"You actually have nice eyes," I said.
"Um, thank you?" Spencer sighed. "Maeve's stalker had caught her and had tried to prove she was better but she wasn't actually better. I-I tried to save her. But she killed them both in a murder suicide. I could've stopped her but I didn't."
His tears were running down his cheeks. A slight tear came to my eyes and they were wet.
"How could you have stopped the stalker from killing her?"
"Well I-" he was at a loss for words.
" couldn't have stopped her from-"
"But I could've. I could've stopped it."
I put my hand on his shoulder. "Stop it." My voice quivered.
"Maeve would've been disappointed in you that blame yourself. You can't do that."
He looked at my book stand. "You like Shakespeare too?"
"Yeah, reading was what connected Maeve and I so much. It was mostly 15th century stuff though. We would be at the library for hours just reading. The librarians had even grown so used to us being there that they had bought new bean bag chairs for us to sit in."
"I can believe Maeve would do that. Most people spend their passions at where they began. It gives them a sense of renewal."
"How do you know all that?"
He began to answer but Aunty came up the stairs. She was very surprised to see  me in my room with Spencer.
At the end of the reception like thing I saw Spencer trying to sneak out without being noticed by me again. I ran after him.
"Spencer!" I yelled. He paused and looked at me. "Didn't think you could get away from me that easily?"
"I was actually hoping I could."
"Why would you want that? I'm amazing to be around!"
"You might think so, but I happen to have another idea about that."
"Is it because I look a lot like Maeve?"
With my red hair and blue eyes many people believed that we were twins. We got asked on several occasions.
"It might be that, but the probability of that happening is-"
"I want your number."
"I like you. We have a lot in common. It'd be fun to talk to you. So how about it?"
I held my phone out to him, holding my hand out for his phone to be placed in mine. He reluctantly handed it over.
"You may now leave so you don't get tortured by me more."
"Thank you. It was nice meeting you Reese."
The first thing I did when I got my phone from Spencer I called him. He had already gotten to his car, which was down the street, due to his long legs.
"I already want to talk to you more," I said.
Spencer turned around. He sadly smiled. "Maybe when I get home."
"I'll be looking forward to it," I pressed end before returning to the house.
If Maeve liked him so much it wouldn't be a bad thing to get to know him more. It's not like I could ever have the same feelings for him as Maeve did since she was careful on who she choose to be with whereas I just went with any one. It's a vey unlikely scenario. A .00000000001% chance of that happening. So why was I feeling so guilty?

Hey guys, I'm going to try to write two or so chapters a day. Thanks for reading!

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